Floating Homes Association Annual Meeting 6:00, June 6th 2024
President Peter Erickson kicked off meeting with a startling statistic – the floating home community was once 2,000 strong now we are down to 500 homes. The harsh reason behind this was that years ago there was no organization representing and advocating for this community. Without a voice, the many pressures of agency action broke up the community.
In 1962 the FHA was started to be that voice and has collected dues and advocated for the community for 62 years. He reviewed the FHA mission and the board members introduced themselves, relating how they came to be living on a houseboat and what their motivation was for joining the board. There was a common theme of loving the water, surrounding nature, friendly neighbors and a desire to give back to the community.

Treasurer Megan Sutherland reviewed the budget and finances, explaining lack of revenue is due to absence of tour.

Communications Chair Sarah Morlidge covered membership statistics, 60% of the 510 floating homes are FHA members through their HOA. The other 40% are invited to join as individuals. She reviewed the benefits of membership and features of the FHA website. Sarah explained the the Dock Officers Discussion Board is intended to help docks help each other, but will only succeed if participation increases.

Vice President Stafford Green reviewed his committee on Historical Preservation and Design and how it fits into the FHA mission. His reviewed the efforts underway to archive past documents and also to improve the FHA Houseboatique storage. He showed the plan to honor the rich history of floating boats and the details of making this a reality.

Environment Committee Chair John Giaever reviewed Lake Union environmental stewardship. Of the many animal residents we have in our community, nesting falcons have arrived again this spring. A web cam on the AGC building allows anyone to observe their nest and feedings of 2 fledglings. He talked about the Kayak and Park clean ups available for our membership to participate in. These are organized by a fantastic environmental organization, Puget Soundkeepers. They are a small but mighty non-profit dedicated to clean water west of the Cascades. Their Executive Director, Sean Dixon, spoke to the attendees about their complementary mission. He highlighted a newly discovered toxin (6PPD-quinone) that sluffs off tires and is deadly to the fish population. You can find out more about Puget SoundKeeper at their website https://pugetsoundkeeper.org/, and you can report pollution at 1-800-42PUGET.
Legal and Regulatory Committee Chair Heidi Eagleton reviewed her mission to compile renovations, additions, and new construction regulations and locate them in one findable place. She is not offering legal advice, but wants to provide a legal resource people can use when they need assistance. Recommended reading for all includes 1) bylaws 2) leases 3) terms of your loan 4) insurance policies. Other documents to consider being familiar with are the Seattle shoreline codes, Shoreline permit regulations, Construction permit, Residential and electrical code. She will be setting all this out for everyone to easily access.
Peter Dess covered DNR leases. DNR owns almost the all land under lakes and rivers in WA state. DNR leases their land to others. 30% of floating homes are over DNR land. Many leases have expired. Late last year, a master template was released. The old leases were 13 pages, the new version is 51 pages. An effort was done to color code areas important to floating homes. One big issue is that rent is also increasing rapidly. Formulas for increases are set in state law but the reasoning for increases are not really a good fit with the unique house boat usage. Rent also increases every year based on inflation and increased 17% two years ago and 16% last year. Inflation is based on PPI for all commodities. In addition, every 4 years rates are adjusted following a state formula. The FHA website has more details. We are getting excellent help from our attorney Amelia. We hope to have a new DNR template released this year. If your dock has joined the FHA you can find out more about this issue on our Dock Officers Discussion Board.
Peter Erickson presented information that we may be working towards a solution for the Seattle City Light issue of wanting to move meters to shore. Costs are huge, with $73K/home estimated. This would be a $24M problem. FHA has been working for a long time to find a solution. Currently there is a détente with city light. We can proceed as is as long panel size is not increased. He recommended that a new bylaw be considered to limit each dock’s maximum power usage. Info is on the FHA website here.
Fundraising Committee Chair Melissa Ahlers covered the planning for the 2025 FHA tour. The tour has to be thoughtful on the message we want to send to community. It is desirable to have a spectrum of tour houses, from new and fancy to the original houses in order to provide visitors an authentic community perspective. She is recruiting a group to pull this off with the hope of having 10-15 homes on the Tour date of 9/7/2025. She will build toward this big effort over the next year. Much communication will continue.
Courtney Neese gave a moving tribute to Rick Miner who passed away last month. He was a huge part of the community for years; much is owed to him and his promotion the floating home life styles.
Peter announced that this is his last year as President. He has lived in the floating home community for 52 years. He encouraged all attendees to get involved a committee.

Floating Homes Association Annual Meeting 6:00pm, June 14th 2023
You can view a recording of the meeting here, which will be of interest to people who want to know where we are at with DNR. Below is the slide deck.
Floating Homes Association Annual Meeting July 2022
Thank you to everyone who attended the recent virtual meeting. FHA President Peter Erickson gave an interesting presentation of floating homes around the world, a brief update on the electrical issue and the seaplane runway. You can see the slides here. Sarah introduced the FHA Board members and you can see that information here. Courtney gave us an update on the FHA houseboat tour planned for September 18th which will be virtual this year. We are looking for four more boats. Courtney would come to your house with the videographer, you can choose whether you want to be interviewed and you end up with a super cool souvenir of your floating home! If you want to volunteer your home or your time to help with organizing and promoting the tour, the person to talk to is Courtney Neese (formerly Cooper).
Floating Homes Association Annual Meeting May 19th 2021
Thank you to everyone who showed up for the FHA AGM. You can view a recording of the meeting here and you can view or download a copy of the presentation here.
Floating Homes Association Annual General Meeting April 22nd 2020
FHA President John Leness welcomed attendees and explained that Courtney Cooper would moderate the conference call. 138 members joined via video or conference call, many with partners, so it was an excellent turn out given the circumstances! John thanked board members Blair Robbins, Susan Chatlos-Susor, and Tom Campbell who are stepping down and proposed new members, Bob Burk (of Eastlake) and Dave Chapelle (Westlake) who were elected unopposed. John went on to update members on the Kenmore Seaplane situation, explained anticipated infrastructure costs for older docks Terry Pettus Park & Portage Bay, as well as the Fairview Ave E Bridge Project Finally, John paid tribute to two people who have literally helped keep the houseboats afloat – Art Holder, the indispensable stringer man, and Sid McFarland, who was the expert on moving houseboats around when required. The meeting ended at 7:45 after a couple of questions from the floor. You can view President John Leness’ presentation here and a recording of the meeting here.
Thursday, April 18th, 2019 at the Swedish Club at 1920 Dexter Ave N, Seattle 6:00 – 9:00 pm
FHA President John Leness welcomed attendees and asked Courtney Cooper to lead the auction of the painting by Felis Sanchez that had been generously donated to the FHA by his widow. The painting sold for $600.

John then introduced Seattle City Community Engagement Co-ordinator Laura Jenkins whose role is to act as a connector for people who want help finding out who to deal with in the city when they have issues or questions and to connect community groups with each other. Anne Bassetti suggested establishing a community of waterfront people – docks, marinas, recreational users, and businesses. Laura mentioned that there is no official neighborhood map of the city. Anne offered to work with them. Laura announced that May 4th is neighbor day when the city suggests that people something nice for a neighbor or attend various events around the city. You can find out more about #neighborday at seattle.gov/neighborhoods/programs-and-services/neighbor-day. Laura also said that there is money available for street improvements. Residents can vote for projects proposed in their neighborhoods here. Discussion followed about previous proposals to improve Fairview Ave E, and a neighbor shared that there is information available on the Eastside Community Council website. You can read about the Fairview Green Street plan here.
Members asked about the Vulcan developments in South Lake Union, and the Portage Bay Park plan but Laura didn’t know about them. Another asked if Eastlake could get a swimming pool. Laura said she can put us in touch with who is in charge of street end projects at SDOT
You can see the plans for Portage Bay Park here. On a separate but related note, Giff later shared that his boat hit a sizable submerged rock going past the development of the university park about 100 meters west of Aqua Verde, 50 feet from the shoreline of the new construction. He is taking Harbor Patrol to the site of the incident so they can mark it as a hazard, meanwhile beware.
FHA Treasurer, Karen Mooney raised the problem of noise levels at gas works park. Residents are worried about the noise level at Gas Works Park getting worse. During one particularly loud event, Karen phoned the city special events coordinator, but they were unable to respond. You can find out more about Laura here If you have questions for Laura Jenkins, you can reach her on 206.437.3735 or at laura.jenkins@seattle.gov
Next, John introduced FHA Board member Peter Erickson who had exciting news about Terry Pettus Park. Ben Franks, a land dweller up the street from the Log Foundation, asked the Ride the Ducks bankruptcy attorney if they would like to sell the piece of land earmarked for a Ride the Ducks terminal. This piece of land has now been bought by US Seafoods. The FHA is hoping to work with the city to buy the section next to Terry Pettus Park. Working with Dixie Pintler and the ‘Friends of Terry Pettus Park’, this initiative will require a major fund-raising effort. The members present agreed to designate the $600 raised by the sale of the painting as the first donation to the fund. Terry Pettus, the founder of the FHA died in 84 and the park was established in his name. Peter, Dixie, and the city’s head of park maintenance recently met to inspect the condition of the park. Completed in 82 from pressure-treated wood, the structure is currently in a shocking state of disrepair. FHA member Barb shared that she had been involved in the development of Fairview Park and that there are state funds available from the state dept of transportation. Peter invited Barb to join the group, which she accepted. Susan Susor also has a contact in the parks department from a previous project. Audience members asked Peter if he is looking for investors. Peter replied that at the moment they need to solidify the commitment of the parks dept and then we will need to start raising the money.
Next, John Leness introduced the board members. No-one has reached term limits and the current board was re-elected. John went on to explain that 2018 was a tour year. He thanked organizer Tom Campbell and his team of volunteers, as well as everyone who opened their homes. There is no tour this year, but Tom Campbell got to his feet to explain that for 2020 he would like to have the tour based in the Westlake and North lake areas, hopefully including the Fremont Bridge.
Aurora bridge improvements continue. Thanks to Tom Hesselbrock for supplying updates to Sarah for FHA E-Alerts. Part of the purpose of the blue wrapping is to stop the red-tailed kites from nesting there. Apparently, there are daily spotters keeping an eye out for the birds who appear to be nesting elsewhere this year.
John explained that the FHA has met with the Fairview Ave Bridge Replacement project manager. The two bridges are in front of the Zymogenetics building; both bridges are being replaced. It will be a 19-month project which involves pulling out the pilings, redirecting traffic, etc. Giff Jones asked why they are taking both down when one is old, and one is newer. John replied that the city decided it was better to do both at the same time rather than do one at a time. You can read more about the project here. The project manager is Marilyn Yim, and you can reach her on 206-684-3190 or at FairviewBridge@seattle.gov
John went on to share that the FHA Board met with David Stroble, Ring Family Group president, and Lake Union Ferry Company principal, about the newly proposed Lake Union Ferries. Their plan is to use 34’ electric catamaran ferries to provide a commuter service from Fremont and Jensen’s boatyard to lake Union. They are also hoping to share the rowing club launch dock under the Aurora Bridge and use the dock west of MOHAI.
Harbor Patrol was on the agenda but unable to attend the meeting. Funding is at risk with the city. Officers are retiring and not being replaced. If you are talking to the city, let them know how important the Harbor Patrol is to the safety and well-being of everyone who uses the lake. If you have a problem, call 911 first, then call Harbor Patrol on 206 684-4071 or VHF 16. That way the city will know what can collect measurable data for the work the Harbor Patrol does. Harbor Patrol suggests that you go to the end of your dock and see if it’s identifiable. Put your houseboat number on the waterside so they can find you. If possible, make it so they can tie their boat near the end of your dock. If there is an emergency send someone to the end of the dock with a flashlight.
John Leness said that he has invited the person taking rob Johnson’s seat to come to the next FHA meeting. Anne Bassetti pointed out we are a gnat, which is why she proposes formal liaison with other waterborne entities.
John went on to discuss the DNR lease, which is now finalized. The FHA is waiting on the DNR’s internal guide which will assist docks going through the process. The FHA lobbyist, Amalia Walton has joined the DNR as deputy supervisor for aquatics and geology.
The revision of the electrical code as it applies to docks is underway. The FHA is working with Seattle City Light to get the best possible solution for floating homeowners. The most recent challenge has been a requirement for new or remodeled floating homes to have sprinkler systems installed. Discussions with the fire dept. are ongoing.
The case was raised of the floating homeowner who got a permit to replace his floating home based on it being demolished before he discovered he could sell it in Canada. The city says he can’t move it to Canada because that contravenes the permit he was given.
John Leness said he had seen an announcement on the DNR website that the city has applied to install buoys on Lake Union again to provide a landing strip for Kenmore Air. Peter and Brigitte Erickson are working on resurrecting the group that monitors seaplane flights. Previously, the Sea Plane Environmental Coalition brought relevant parties together to achieve noise mitigation, restrict hours of operation, and cap the number of flights. Last time around, the coalition achieved the first two objectives. Peter told the AGM that in 1989 there was an average of 40 flights a day, but now that number is nearer 100. Peter says they don’t want to be adversaries with Kenmore, just to be good neighbors.
Kathy Kimball asked about the seemingly increasing number of house barges. Linda Bagley explained that if you bring one in, you have to take one out just the same as for floating homes, and that the houseboats people see coming in and out are undergoing maintenance. They are limited to 195 in total. LULA does not want to increase the number of barges and is working with the city to close loopholes in the FOWR rules. By nature of their design, barges have to be pumped out properly. New regulations will prevent another one being built like the one that started sinking while it was being towed recently. James Hicks, founder of Aqua Dive Services gave a quick overview of the design issues the sinking houseboat experienced.
Discussion ensued about short term rentals of floating homes, houseboats, and Airbnb. Under new city regulations, on water residences aren’t allowed to do short term rentals. The FHA advises putting restrictions in your dock’s covenants. Per city rules, you can do thirty days plus or you can do it if you are just renting a room. City fines are five hundred dollars a day. The rules apply to anything on water with a few fee simple exceptions.
Members were told that after a long hospital stay, Elaine Eigeman has entered hospice care and stopped treatment. Elaine has asked that friends consider donating to her legacy campaign for the Lymphedema Treatment Act, which you can view here. https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/march-madness-for-the-lta/elaineeigeman. James Hicks also asked that we note the passing of former FHA member George Thomas Johnston.
Finally, Anne Bassetti shared that the 2420 coop received a notice of violation because they replaced boards on their dock. They used pressure treated wood without a permit, and another home on their dock replaced the whole deck without a permit. They are discussing the resolution with the city but want floating homeowners to be aware of the $500 a day fines the city imposes if you don’t respond.
End of Meeting