Minutes of FHA Board Meeting 10/12/2024   

Time: 6:30 PM | Location: Keasler Cottage | Attendees:   Melissa Ahlers, Heidi Eagleton, John Giaever, Sheri Greaves, Stafford Green, Megan Sutherland and Sarah Morlidge 

  1. Call to Order, Opening remarks by Interim President and Roll Call of attendees. Everyone was excited to be attending the first board meeting in Keasler Cottage in at least ten years. Melissa Ahlers was reminded of her first board meeting in 2001. 
  1. Board Business  
    • Formal Board Vote for President – Peter Erickson has stepped down as President of the board. The board thanked him for his service and his persistence in the issues of Seattle City Light and DNR Leases. John Giaever nominated Stafford Green for role of interim president, Heidi Eagleton seconded the motion. Stafford was duly elected to serve until next election at AGM in spring of 2025. 
    • Welcome of new Board Member Sheri Greaves. Sheri is a former board member with a wealth of experience and was thanked by Melissa Ahlers for her work renegotiating the boat street dock lease. 
    • Congratulations were given to Sarah Morlidge who is stepping off the board and replacing the late Jann McFarland as FHA Office Manager.     
    • Stafford announced that the minutes will be taken by the office manager as Recording Secretary with certification of minutes by Secretary / President.  Minutes to be posted to the website within 7 days of the meeting.    
    • Review of September Survey Results – there was a disappointing number of responses (67 responses (13%)), but those submitted had plenty of suggestions for what the FHA should be doing and what the priorities should be.  The key takeaway is that, as a board, we need to improve our efforts in two key areas: (1) actively engaging with Floating Home residents through events and meaningful communications to ensure they are fully aware of the benefits of FHA membership, and (2) ensuring that the services the FHA offers align with the needs of members and provide meaningful value to the broader community. The summary survey results are posted on the FHA website here. Discussion ensued as to whether the survey should be reopened; Stafford suggested creating a brief survey for the annual meeting, rather than overwhelming members with excessive paperwork. 
  1. Committee Reports –  
    • A- Office of Finance – Megan Sutherland.  Megan indicated that our current financial strawman forecast she and Stafford created for the next 12 months should be stable for the organization.    That said, improvements to the cottage would deplete funds as they stand. Fundraising will be needed. Megan Sutherland said Sarah has done a good job going after advertising and membership revenue since taking over. Discussion ensued over how much money the FHA should have in the bank. Without a fundraising tour for several years, there is concern that the FHA is losing money annually, but several board members were confident that next year’s tour would replenish the coffers and the community would rally round if a need was identified.  Megan will come back with an analysis of what the “right” amount to have in the bank should be.    A seed fund for the tour was agreed, and a fundraising push for repairs to the Keasler Cottage over Christmas was discussed. The board would like to hold another dock officer’s forum at the College Club which is more affordable.  It was agreed that the Queen City Yacht Club was expensive, but everyone liked the venue for the Annual General Meeting except the queue at the bar. Less food needed next year. The provisional date for the AGM is Wednesday April 30th. Courtney Neese will open the Houseboatique for a sale on December 2nd to sell what we have before we commission new items. Sheri is asking Judy Sarafin if she interested in managing the Houseboatique. 
    • B- Office of Communications -Sarah Morlidge – In the process of reaching out to dock officers for updates to their roles and their dock rosters. Sarah is also updating membership status of docks and individuals with the help of Megan. 
    • C- Office of Development (Tour) – Melissa Ahlers – has talked to Catherine Majors (talented PR expert in the 2000’s & on the FHA History Committee) will help on the back end. Melissa believes this tour should be about the history of the FHA, and to focus on Eastlake. The Board agreed.  She told the board that there is a 3-month lead time for magazine articles and she is going to pursue different publications this year. The first tour committee meeting is on October 24th and she will send info to Sarah soon for e-alert. Melissa wants to have the houses lined up by January and to pitch to magazines November or December.  Melissa asked for help to find good members for her committee. 
    • D- Office of Neighborhood and Legislative Relations – Sheri Greaves – Sheri’s approach will focus on proactively strengthening and investing time in building relationships with government and neighboring organizations, rather than only engaging with them when issues arise.   She noted Amalia has been busy, with no time to meet up. DNR lease – Amalia’s contact has been ill and out of office so no news and no draft yet. Sheri is hoping to meet with former president Peter Erickson soon to get up to speed on the Seattle City Light situation. It was suggested the Sheri also talk to Derek Bottles who had engaged consulting firm Stantec to advise.  Heidi suggested connecting to the consulting company directly and she offered to find her old files to share. Sheri is looking to start setting up meetings with city to introduce the FHA and its mission. Sarah asked if she is interested in attending District 7 Neighborhood council meetings, which she agreed to do. 
    • E- Office of Environment – John Giaever – Met with Harbor patrol today. Noted the prevalence of comments about water quality in the survey. King County does not test the water Lake Union as it does other swim beaches. John is going to reach out to fellow FHA member Dave Galvin who previously worked for King County water to see how we get the lake tested as swim beach. A kayak clean up coming up and John is going to give Sarah details to advertise.  John has some information he is going to share with Sarah for the website on marinas and swimming safety.  Members are encouraged to read the information, stay informed and stay safe. John would like an Electrical Safety campaign included in the materials Jason will provide (e.g., GFCI on external outlets), and linked to professionals who are expert in this area. Stafford will connect John to the new Safety committee, and ensure important safety communication, including electrical, happens for floating home residents. 
    • F- Office of Legal and Compliance – Heidi Eagleton – working a repository for the website of things you need to know about buying or building a floating home. Sarah will take the content from the Fall Newsletter which is the start of a repository and put on the website. Heidi wanted it noted that if Amalia were to get more involved, she would need to be paid. 
    • G- Office of Safety and Security – (Stafford Green for Jason Rungsigul) . Jason is researching existing material & creating content to be ready in November – perhaps updating the FHA fridge magnet. Should we have advertisers sponsor a fridge magnet? A discussion ensued. Some board says no, FHA shouldn’t ‘sell’ stuff, it should be provided as a benefit to members; other board members think board we should monetize opportunities if our fundraising requires it.  The answer lies in what the core fund the FHA should have available at all times (and thus the fundraising requirement) – Megan will provide advice in the next meeting.  In November Jason will provide dates that Seattle Fire and Harbor Patrol are available for demos/discussion 
    • H- Office of History and Preservation – Stafford Green asked members to sign a card for Brian (he is doing all the scanning), then gave out cards with access codes for the door lock on Keasler cottage. Stafford encouraged everyone to spend some time at the office. The cottage is over the property line – a memorandum of understanding is required between TCM and FHA that neither side will change how things are. The bids for the restoration were discussed. Heidi proposed a motion that the board move forward with Derek from Seattle Dive, seconded by Megan and approved by all.  A total of 25k plus 5k contingency was approved for the foundational project.   The contingency (if not required) will be used for the deck repair supplies for a member work party. 
    • I- “Pop Up” Teams (Welcome Box Team, Bylaws Teams, Droker Team ( Stafford and Sheri are getting Howard Droker’s book turned into an e-book)     Stafford asked for help to find good members for these Pop Up tasks.
  1. Re-Introduction of Newsletter   
    • Purpose – Thank you Stafford for restarting the newsletter who also hand delivered them to all docks and local businesses where it has been well received. It has now been uploaded to the website here. 
    • In handing out the newsletter, Stafford enjoyed visiting docks he hadn’t been on before and meeting the residents. He admired how beautiful the docks were and encouraged Board members to hand out newsletters for future editions on docks they hadn’t been to yet. 
    • Stafford is requesting a ~300 word article on your committee ‘24-’25 for editions:    
    • > Fall: Legal and Compliance <done>   
    • > Winter: Communication and Membership, Neighborhood and Legislative Relations (DNR lease education from Sheri) 
    • > Spring: Environment, Safety and Security   
    • > Summer: Development (Tour)   
  1. Calendaring:
    • Upcoming Board Meeting Dates – 10/28, 11/18, 12/16, 1/27, 2/24, 4/2 
    • Annual General Meeting (AGM) Wednesday April 30th  
    • Dock Officers Forum – 1/15 Stafford has booked College Club 
  1. Meeting adjourned at 8:04

The Floating Homes Association maintains an open policy regarding association financial information. Any member in good standing may request the most recent FHA financial statements at any time. To request the documents, please contact us at contact@seattlefloatinghomes.org, and the relevant materials will be sent to you within 10 days. 


Minutes of FHA Board Meeting May 1, 2024

In attendance at Stafford’s : Megan, Stafford, Antoinette, Melissa and Peter

Key Takeaways

  • The board voted to hold the next FHA home tour in September of 2025.
  • “Building Community” ideas were discussed such as block parties and resurrecting the July 14th Bastille Day celebration (at the boule court)
  • It was agreed we need to do a better job educating our members on all the governmental agency issues in which FHA is engaged and describe the related expenses for legal and consulting that require membership financial support.
  • We discussed process of becoming a 501(c)3 status for tax deductible donations
  • We heard committee report updates on electrical issues, FHA office renovation, membership, and Lake Clean up

FHA Home Tour 2025

  • Melissa provided a tour update based on holding the event in September of 2025.
  • She also discussed idea for an event tied to anniversary of Sleepless in Seattle Film release

Community Events

  • Stafford discussed collaborating with Eastlake Community Council on their August block party and numerous other events
  • The idea was proposed to resurrect the floating home community’s Bastille Day celebration tradition – it could involve floats, bbqs, bringing the communities together
  • John proposed consideration of a major Tour de Lake Union event in future years (Similar to Tour de Lopez). This was enthusiastically discussed as an alternative fund raiser to the floating home tour.

Fundraising and Finances

  • All agreed we need to better educate constituents on FHA expenses and issues to enable fundraising as needed
  • Discussed possibility of seeking 501(c)3 status for tax deductible donations. Megan said she would look into the process.
  • Megan stated how much is currently in Reserve Account, but could need additional funds in the future for City Light consultants and the FHA Office foundation work, etc. 

FHA Office Renovation

  • Safety issues addressed by removing decks, but full renovation needed
  • Estimates around $20k to fully renovate Little House structure and foundation
  • Architect providing guidance on permits and approach
  • Could ultimately use it for office, storage, tour staging, and as income generator
  • Formulate an overall needs and goals for the House

City Light Electrical Issues

  • Update provided on city requirements for electrical disconnects and liability – draft director’s ruling could help extend timeline for upgrades
  • Need to survey community on trial approaches
  • 3 options are being floated

Environmental Issues


  • Fairview Moorings have now joined the FHA! Thank you to Pat Doody for making this happen.
  • If you are on Bosbyshell, Boston Rose, Boyer on the Bay, Brackett, Dolphin, Onis Goodin, Phoenix, Pursell, Rosenquist, Salix, Stillwater, The Old Boathouse, The Shelby Dock, Virgy Woods, Wandesforde, Wards Cove or Willow Cove and are ready to sign your dock up, email contact@seattlefloatinghomes.org.

Action Items

  • Explore 501(c)3 application process
  • Get architectural guidance on FHA Office renovation
  • Continue discussions on electrical requirements and community feedback
  • Consider FHA newsletter inserts for community engagement
  • Uncontrolled drumming noise from GW Park – FHA supports neighbors  requesting enforcement of Seattle’s Sound Ordinance at the Gas Works Park.
  • Align with Seattle City Wide Night Out on 8/6/24  – ECC collaboration possibilities with floating homes community.
  • Green Street Proposal:  Fairview Ave street modification proposals are being actively discussed. E.g.  narrowing down intersection plantings, parking topics, pedestrian safety and reviewing options with community council and city planner. Stafford and Peter are engaging with Dave, May Sue Galvin and ECC on this.
  • FHA Executive Board Meeting- a meeting to define our strategic plan and criteria for new board members will be drafted in a written policy. Meeting to take place on 5/15 at 6pm
  • Should we consider an FHA physical paper insert to the  ECC Quarterly Newsletter?
  • Annual Meeting to be held June 6th. Planning needed for AV equipment, snacks and beverages

FHA Board Minutes from the meeting of April 3, 2024

Attendees: Peter Erickson, Megan Sutherland, Stafford Green, John Giaever, Heidi Eagleton, Antoinette Sabarots, Sarah Morlidge. Invited guest Melissa Ahlers.

Courtney Cooper has resigned for personal reasons.

Proposal made to have Stafford Green elected Vice President. Motion 2nd and unanimously approved. Congratulations Stafford.

Floating Home office @ Tenas Chuck is in dire need of safety repairs. Rotting fences and deck boards are a safety hazard. A couple of repair bids have been received. Derek from Seattle Dive is top candidate. Peter wants to discuss the scope and approach with Derek before work proceeds. Work is for outside repair.  Inside also needs repair but that is not the top priority. Inside there is some approximately $600 of inventory and records that should be scanned and moved to the cloud for preservation. Long term plans for the structure needs deliberation. 

Proposal made to set aside up to $12,000 allowance for safety repairs. Motion 2nd and unanimously approved.

ACTION ITEM: Megan to check available budget and fundraising status with Sarah.

Megan reported on financials. $12,000 was paid towards developing preliminary design materials for the annual tour. Courtney was reimbursed for expenses paid.

ACTION ITEM: Megan to check with Courtney to determine the contract and deliverables for the tour preparation expenses and bring this forward to the FHA for continuity of work.

Proposal made to limit any unapproved expense to $1000. Motion 2nd and unanimously approved.

Request is that the entire board be copied when submitting all expenses for transparency purposes.

Peter reported on SCL activity. Derek Bottles, has really made some progress now. He’s broken a proposed Director’s Ruling down into two or three different what-if scenarios based on the condition of one’s dock.

If your dock is at a defined level of development, there are two or three different scenarios, and it’s a fairly comprehensive director’s ruling. The document will address what the engineers in the city light are going to look for and provide guidance. The draft document is with the electrical engineering consultant for approval after which, it’ll go to our attorney at the Hillis Firm, which is the land use attorney for these things.  Peter is very encouraged by the progress. Ongoing costs  may change as Mr. Bottles is retiring effective April 1 and the free services he’s been getting from his electrical consultant and utilities lawyer may transition to active billings to be paid by FHA. Peter will meet with him to better understand the budget going forward.

Fundraising: Of the 512 houseboats, 300 of them are on a dock that has dock membership. So basically 60% of the houseboats are group members through their docks. Discussion centered on missing membership and the reasons not more docks are signed up and how to focus some efforts on the gap.

We are trying to get a list of the paid-up advertisers to see if this can be a stronger revenue stream for the FHA. There currently is $13k from membership and $8.5K from advertising, but it can probably be more.

ACTION ITEM: Megan to research current advertising revenue 

Membership and advertising drives both could use some focus and can derive more income.

Annual Tour: Melissa Ahlers joined the meeting. She has run tours in the past and provided a good perspective on whether a tour may or may not be possible in 2024. The last year of the tour was 2019. Reasons to hold a tour were discussed. The consensus was the floating homes need a solid public profile. We want the mayor and city council to understand and be sympathetic to our community’s needs. The tour has always been our ambassador to the governmental departments, DNR, utilities companies and city of Seattle. Secondarily the tour provides good source of FHA funding.

Consensus is a fall tour of the Eastlake community is behind schedule but still possible. Goal would be to have 10-12 open houseboats.

ACTION ITEM: Annual Tour Strategy Meeting to be held at Peter Erickson’s houseboat 7 PM on April 17th. Come all who can attend and help.

If the tour logistics are not possible, then we will consider other fund-raising ideas.

A proposal was made add a new board member. Motion 2nd and unanimously approved.

ACTION ITEM: Peter to contact candidate member.

FHA Representation in the Community: Discussion for FHA members to attend Eastlake Community Council and from the New District 7 community. Megan and Peter will see if they can attend. FHA also attends Harbor Patrol’s quarterly meetings. John and Peter are the reps.

Committee reports will be added to FHA website with password protected access, to share it with the people who need the information. DNR lease, the city light info and other reports will be added in order to drive more usage.

FHA Board Minutes from the meeting of Thursday, December 14th 2023

Present: Peter Erickson (Pres.), Jon Giaever (Safety & Environment), Courtney Neese (VP & Tour), Stafford Green (Events & Community, Heidi Eagleton (Legal), Sarah Morlidge (Comms). Apologies: Megan Sutherland (Treasurer), Antoinette Sabarots (Membership Outreach)

  1. Our Board must evolve as our owner population evolves.  This means:
    • Homes are being purchased with people with a higher net worth (and may be younger).  We need fresh ways to communicate and engage people. <Sarah lead with help from all board members>
    • We must not lose the stories of our quirky past.  For example, on the floating home tour, each older home should have a fun story associated with its history. <Courtney lead w/ Stafford>
    • We need to fill two new board seats with young, talented people. <Peter lead with help from all board members>
  1. The priorities of the board for 2024 are:
Priority Leader Example
Community Advocacy and Lobbying Peter City Light, DNR, Taxes
Legal and Regulatory Compliance Heidi Communicates Fire code, electric code. Works with Peter on Community Advocacy and Lobbying due to overlaps
Shared Resource and Knowledge Hub including Infrastructure & maintenance tracking Sarah Director’s Database, Q&A with FHA members
Fundraising Courtney Tour of Homes, Boutique Shop
Environmental Stewardship Programs John Liaison to local environmental groups, environmental advocacy & communications
Historical Preservation and Education Stafford Maintain architectural heritage.  (e.g. give design awards)
Membership Recruitment and Engagement Antoinette Recruit new members and docks into the FHA
Managed Finances Megan Manage board finance and reporting
  1. Update Organizational Principles and Routines
    • Existing Board Positions (Pres, VP, Secretary, Treasurer) were re-elected for 2024 in this meeting
    • The FHA Board’s charter has been amended so that board members will now serve a term of two years. Following this period, they are eligible to reapply and stand for re-election. 
    • Sarah will review other existing Board Charter and suggest recommendations at the next meeting
    • Meetings will occur the first Wednesday of every month.  Each Lead will provide a status of their area.   For teams such as Community Advocacy and Lobbying, the lead will collect reports from each subteam lead (and occasionally invite that lead to a meeting for a specific update).   
    • January will be used by each team lead to define their project plan for 2024 (resource need, calendar, expected results, issues, etc).  Peter and Stafford will provide a template for each Board Lead to use for meeting consistency.
    • Next meeting: February 7th at 6pm.  For those who are not in Seattle, the next meeting will be on Zoom.  For those who are in Seattle, the meeting will be at Stafford’s home. 

FHA Board Minutes from the meeting of Thursday, August 24th, 2023

In attendance: Sarah Morlidge, Heidi Eagleton, Megan Sutherland, John Giaever, Stafford Green and Peter Erickson. Apologies: Courtney Neese, Antoinette Sabarots

  1. There was a review of the activities involved in putting on the Leadership Forum of Board Executives.
  • Sarah described her outreach via the FHA E-Alert. Everyone was encouraged by the fact that 80% have opened the message and  we’ve already had 26 responses as well as 40 who’ve opened and read the proposal but have not responded. Sarah will send it out again to those who have not responded and this time add a deadline for response. Once we think we’ve got all interested floating home dock board executives we’ll have a number of participants to implement the next step of making reservations for an event site – most likely at the College Club or possibly the Queen City Yacht Club.
  • We discussed time limits for the meeting and everyone thought it should not be longer than an hour and a half.
  • Peter asked John and Megan to each provide him with 4-5 bullet points of key DNR questions that they have heard from their docks. Peter will pass this on to P. Dess.
  • We approved funding Puget Sound Keepers $2500 for 2023. John will coordinate donation with Megan.
  • Stafford will work with Peter to generate a format to be used to frame each topic for the Forum
  • Sarah will compile the survey results before the next meeting in order to understand what the FHA dock captain’s priority needs are. We may need to change topics or priorities from the survey results. Please send out when available.
  • Our board’s current prioritization of the topics for discussion at the Forum and some early time allotments:
    • The issue of having docks undertake a Reserve Assessment Study was first on the list. Board members with MAI Reserve Assessment consultants will send their contact info to Peter. He will talk to each to see if there’s a good candidate to present a 10-minute presentation of the procedure and describe its purpose and value to each dock co-op. Provide 10 minutes for questions.
    • DNR (Dept. of Natural Resources) – we’ll ask Peter Dess if he’ll provide a 10-minute overview of the topic and his negotiations to date with DNR and 10 minutes for questions.
    • City Light: Peter E. will provide a brief (5 minute) overview of the current status of negotiations with City Light with 5 minutes for questions.
    • Home owner and Dock insurance: Possible discussion topic to hear from attendees about rising costs, reduction of companies providing, difficulties obtaining coverage, etc
    • Security/Safety concerns
    • Community Development Committee: Stafford has agreed to chair this committee and will provide a brief overview of its objectives to the dock executives and will prepare them to engage with their constituents to get the word out as and when the programs develop.
    • Fund Raising: Last but not least we’ll brainstorm with the board executives to consider supplemental drives to raise funds other than through the Floating Home Tour. This is becoming more important than in the past because we need to find effective ways to raise funds should another outbreak of the COVID pandemic shut down our tour again.
  • Next board meeting will be at 6 PM Wednesday September 27th at Stafford’s


FHA Board Minutes from the meeting of Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

In attendance were Sarah Morlidge, Stafford Green, Megan Sutherland, Antoinette Sabarotes, John Giaever, Dave Chapelle and Peter Erickson. Apologies – Courtney Cooper. The meeting started at 5:30 PM.

1. Peter Erickson opened the meeting by thanking Dave Chappelle for his many yeas service to the FHA board, as Dave will be moving off the lake at the end of the summer.

2. Megan provided the board with a report of the organization’s financial status. In short, where FHA has a healthy reserve she expressed the desire and need to find ways to raise money in those years when we don’t host a Floating Home Tour. There was a brief discussion about options and one noted in item (2) following.

3. The board voted to host a meeting this September comprised of the executive committees of each dock on the lake. The purpose of the event is to encourage everyone to discuss the issues facing our floating home community. We’ll be able to learn from one another and if nothing else FHA will know issues important to the community. Stafford Green generously volunteered to head up FHA’s committee to host this event. He let us know it would be a substantial undertaking and would be relying on the help of other board members…namely Sarah and Courtney. Sarah agreed to do the outreach via her email contact list and everyone thought Courtney would be instrumental to assisting with this event if she’s willing. Sarah thought her husband could arrange the use of the College Club to hold the event. Stafford suggested we find a reputable speaker as a draw for the event. He thought a speaker to discuss the importance and value of a Reserve Assessment Study would be popular with the community as all our docks are 30 to 50 years old and approaching the time for replacement and upgrade. He even suggested charging a fee as the topic will most likely be an event dock board members will want to learn about. Another hot topic would be understanding the DNR leases. Having a DNR representative
or an FHA DNR expert present may also be a valuable draw. (See #5)

4. City Light: Peter shared his disappointment over City Light’s text-book response to our request to find a compromise option to resolve the impasse over the electric utility company’s “all meters on shore” policy. Bill Vandeventer from 2019 tried to get them to accept our proposal in which we install a disconnect on shore and indemnify City Light from
any liability for the power lines from the disconnect out over water. By way of response, City Light quoted national energy policy which states that before a utility can abandon a power distribution system that continues to be used it must first bring it up to current code (all-meters-on-shore). Peter noted we’ve tried for 6 years to engage in a dialogue to find a solution that does not simply impose a $26 million dollar upgrade of a public utility on our community as has been put in effect by code changes (the rough estimate is based on the cost by two docks that have recently undertaken the upgrade). Peter thinks at this point we’ll have to resort to legal and political options if we’re going to get City Light to participate in some form of compromise. Mounting a legal and political campaign costs money and he would first like us to consider taking a year if necessary to raise sufficient funds to pursue this option. City Light’s strategy to migrate the community to meter’s on shore is an unknown.

5. Department of Natural Resource: DNR leases a substantive amount of water space to the floating home community. The majority of the leases have expired and are on a month-to-month basis. FHA would like to negotiate a standard lease form with DNR and a uniform mechanism or formula to determine lease rates. At present many of the leases are based on an odd assortment of comparable values for upland real estate that have little to do with over-water floating homes. A previous board president, Amalia Walton who has worked for DNR has offered to broker negotiations. And a floating home resident, Peter Dess has agreed to head up an FHA DNR Committee. Peter is known for his meticulous accounting skills and insists we get DNR to present their logic for and selection of comparable values.

6. FHA Annual Meeting: Last but not least the board agreed to target Wednesday, June 14th to host our next annual FHA meeting via Zoom. Everyone expressed an interest for this to be the last COVID-driven Zoom annual meeting.

Business was finished and the meeting was over by 7:00 PM.

Board Meeting Minutes – March 8th, 2023
In attendance were Heidi Eagleton, Stafford Green, Megan Sutherland, Courtney Cooper, Antoinette Sabarotes, John Giaever and Peter Erickson. Apologies – Sarah Morlidge. The meeting started at 5:00 PM.

A. Seattle City Light: The first item for discussion was an update by Peter on the negotiations with Seattle City Light. As discussed in detail in prior minutes SCL’s demand that every floating home place its meter on shore comes with an approximate cost per home of $75,000 which spread over approximately 325 effected homes is a $26 million dollar imposition on our community. FHA has a committee and an attorney working on the issue and it was Peter’s opinion that we would know the definitive position of SCL within the next 2 to 3 months. FHA’s committee has proposed that SCL accept a compromise solution that terminates the utility’s (SCL’s) liability on shore at a yet-to-be-installed power-disconnect at the head of each dock at significantly less cost. The possibility of City Light covering all or part of this cost was discussed.

B. An FHA Strategic Plan: Peter reminded everyone that SCL is only one of the 8 government bureaucracies (DNR, Shoreline Management, DOT, DPI, City Light, Coast Guard, Harbor Patrol, Army Corp of Engineers) with jurisdiction over floating homes. Referencing the sample case of Seattle City Light wherein a small change to their code (that meters be on shore) has a potential $26 million dollar impact on our community he thinks it’s important that we be represented by a skilled land use attorney on retainer to monitor and deal with code impacts from any of the 8 agencies. This costs money and we need to start budgeting for it.

C. Committees: Peter spoke to the fact that FHA has several issues that have been committees in the past or are worthy of being a committee now. Most of these committees would require little on-going involvement as they could be dormant for years. But each requires a little upfront work now so that there’s groundwork in place in order to respond quickly if needed. He asked if each of us would consider volunteering for at least one, if not two of the following:

1) Strategic Planning
2) Annual Fund Raising
3) FHA Membership Enrollment
4) DNR and dock leases
5) Army Corp of Engineers _ lake-level monitoring and agency contacts.
6) Puget Sound Keepers _ Lake Union water quality liaison.
7) Harbor Patrol Relations
8) Seattle City Light Committee (no need for new members)
9) Seaplane Monitoring Committee
10) Social Media: (At least one person to be a support and back-up for Sarah and her newsletter and social media developments if ever needed.)

D. Miscellaneous:

• The plan to host a meeting comprised of the president, or maybe even the executive committee, of all the docks and co-ops this summer was reviewed. There was consensus that this should be one of FHA’s highest priorities. The view was that having fresh member input on top concerns and needs would be very helpful for the FHA board. The possibility of making this an annual event was raised.
• Heidi expressed an interest in drafting building regulation guidelines that effect floating homes.
• Stafford said he would develop a proposal to explore ways to document and possibly preserve portions of our older floating home community.

E. Next Meeting: Our first in-person board meeting of the year was discussed. It was proposed that it take place on Wednesday April 26th from 5:00 to 6:30 PM. Courtney offered to host the meeting at her house. Peter asked everyone to think of one or two modest goals for our board to achieve by our Annual Board Meeting at the end of the year in December. End of minutes. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Minutes – December 7th, 2022

In attendance was a quorum with 5 of 9 members ….. Joan Rosenstock, Megan Sutherland, Sarah Morlidge, Dave Chappelle and Peter Erickson.

1) We discussed Dave’s idea about hosting in May a meeting comprised of the Executive Committees of all the floating home co-ops or HOAs on the lake. Such a meeting would facilitate the ability to share resources and identify issues and challenges common to all floating homes. It was agreed to host this meeting the last two weeks of April or early May.

2) FHA Board Meetings: Everyone agreed that monthly meetings are too frequent.

  • It was voted upon and approved that there be Quarterly Meetings from now on…..(dates are approximate) March 15th/June 15th/September 15th and December 15th.
  • The three meetings of June through December are to be by personal attendance. The meeting of March 15th when several are involved in winter travels will be via Zoom.
  • Because there are now only 4 meetings per year attendance at these meetings is mandatory.

3) Board Member Recruitment:

  • We discussed and agreed to seek out 2 new candidates to bring our board up to a full complement of 11 (or more) members.
  • We decided to implement the following process whenever seeking a new member.
  • Reach out for prospective board members: Post in our Newsletter that we are seeking those interested in working with the Board…. ideally with one of the following interests
    • House Boutique : Someone to run and manage it.
    • FHA Enrollment: Someone to contact and attempt to enroll all non-members. It was thought that getting non-member co-ops to allow an FHA Board Member to attend one of their meetings (ideally their Annual Meeting) would be a good way to educate them about what FHA does for all floating homes..
    • Fund Raising: We need someone to brainstorm and implement new fundraising and development practices to create a bigger FHA legal and consulting reserve fund.
    • Secretary to take minnutes
  • Interview Process: Once prospective volunteers or referrals are identified they are to be interviewed by the Executive Committee. Prospective members should meet the following criteria.
  • Must attend meetings (now only 4 per year)
  • Must be willing to work on or head-up a sub-committee if needed.

4) Term Limits:

  • Our by-laws specify a term as being 2 years.
  • Member terms however can be renewed an additional 2 times so one could serve 3 terms or up to 6 years .
  • Board member terms are to be staggered so that only up to half of the board could resign at any one time.

This covered the topics of interest after which the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be via Zoom on Wednesday, March 15th, 2023.

Minutes – November 2nd, 2022 

For the past two Covid years all FHA meetings have been virtual via Zoom. Tonight’s was the first face-to-face meeting in 2 years so we celebrated with wine, snacks and a social half hour. It was long overdue and a joy to be together! We called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were Sarah Morlidge, Dave Chappelle, Megan Sutherland, Heidi Eagleton, Courtney Cooper and Peter Erickson. New board Secretary, John Giaever was travelling and unable to attend.

1. Treasurer’s Report: Megan had sent out financials earlier in the day and presented FHA with good fiscal policies and in sound financial condition. She did point out the need in the near future to resume our Floating Home Tours in order to top up our financial reserve fund used for legal and consulting work.

2. FHA Future Directions: This particular board meeting _purposefully preceded with a social half-hour _ specifically tasked board members to come to the meeting to brainstorm ideas with relevant issues, topics and future goals for FHA as an organization.

  1. Sarah spoke to the need for FHA to develop an easy-to-use web-based “Resource Center” where the membership at large could share helpful tips or contacts such as dive companies, electricians, plumbers, architects, contractors etc.
  2. Heidi stressed the need for a list of experienced and informed insurance brokers and consultants….Hull, Red Shield, Superior and Lloyds of London were mentioned as a few. · Because of the incredibly expensive policies currently, Dave threw out the unorthodox idea of considering a floating home self-insurance company
  3. Peter provided a brief overview of the City Light “all-meters-on shore” issue which has changed little from our last meeting.
  4. A discussion evolved around the increasing number of “investment floating homes” being purchased. These floating homes are rarely owner-occupied but essentially used as a pied-a-terre.
    • Peter suggested advising co-ops to structure their by-laws to meet the needs and expectations of owners.
    • Are vacant, un-occupied units okay?
    • Are Airbnb rentals OK?
    • What rental policies or restrictions are reasonable etc.
    • Courtney warned everyone to avoid any policies that could restrict economic benefits thereby reducing floating home values. Peter supported Courtney’s advice but thought it was important to balance community priorities with economic benefits. It’s a topic already going around the lake as more and more floating homes are bought as second homes or investments ….so we’ll inevitably have more news on this front soon.

Dave Chappelle suggested FHA sponsor a meeting next spring at the Queen City Yacht Club in which the Board of Directors of every floating home co-op and condo dock in Seattle be invited to share and discuss all of the issues referenced above….rentals, insurance, City Light policy, HOA Reserve Assessment information and contacts, etc. All board members enthusiastically supported the idea so its on our agenda for May.

Sarah said Dixie Pintler had reached out about Terry Pettus Park. Sarah asked that at the next meeting that we try to get an update from the Parks department.

That being the end of discussions the meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be December 7th. In person.

Minutes – October 5th, 2022 

The meeting started at 7:00 PM with Sarah, Heidi, John, Megan, Courtney and Joan in attendance. New board member prospect, Stafford Green attended as a guest.

  1. Treasurer’s Report by Megan : Megan gave an overview of the FHA Financials and expressed a little concern about the fact that we’re running a slight deficit on our year-to- date through September. Courtney reminded her that we always run negatives except in the years we host the Floating Homes Tour (every other year). Megan also noted that we have a Reserve Account.
  1. New prospective Board Member:  Peter introduced Stafford Green from 2031 FV who Courtney proposed as a new board member. Stafford gave a brief overview of his professional experience in marketing for Coca Cola. And shared with us his public media work on child abuse.  He also put forth several ideas to raise the profile of the floating homes community.
  1. Virtual Tour  Wrap-up by Courtney.  The Virtual Tour was a success and profitable! Courtney described the challenges of the event and how she would do it differently. Her major take-away was the importance of more PR work prior to the event. She also expressed her opinion that the actual floating home tour is a more engaging event and better for both fund raising and building a public profile. But she also let others know just how many volunteer hours of work are required for the actual tour to be successful as it’s a major undertaking. She suggested we target September of 2024 ….two years from now to hold the next event. Before leaving the topic of the Virtual Tour Peter and others shared with Courtney all the positive feedback that came out of her event. It was a major undertaking,  it made money and it raised the public profile of our community. Thank you Courtney.
  1. HouseBoatique: Courtney let us know the FHA office needs a lot of work. She said she’s having the house surveyed so that we will know specifically what needs to be repaired or upgraded. Several members agreed to be available when a work party is needed.
  1. City Light :  Derek Bottles was our guest speaker from the FloVilla Dock Co-op and is a member of our City Light Committee.  He shared with us the approach that he and Liz Dunn of  Dox Co-op are putting together to engage with City Light. Both Derek and Liz are developers of large companies who on a regular basis hire engineers, attorneys and consultants to negotiate projects with City Light. He thinks the meters-on-shore issue will take 12 to 14 months to locate the right department heads at City Light and to get them to work proactively with our community based on our actual conditions. A potential solution is one that involves limiting City Light liability on shore. Derek is motivated and ready to tackle the problem of City Light’s mandate to put “all-meters-on-shore” ….something our community has been wrestling with for the past 6 years.
  1. As the last item of the evening  Peter asked if everyone was sufficiently vaccinated and comfortable with the COVID issues such that we could have the next meeting at his house boat. Everyone was up for it and more than ready for a social event.  So the next meeting on is November 2nd 

Minutes – May 3rd, 2022 

In attendance: Karen Mooney, Megan Sutherland, Elliott Wolf, Courtney Cooper, Sharon Morken, Heidi Eagleton, Joan Rosenstock and Peter Erickson

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM.

  1. Treasurer’s report: Karen reviewed the status of our finances. All is in good order with a healthy reserve intact. She informed us Megan was part of the process and is fully capable of taking over the Treasurer’s position effective July 1st, 2022. The board gave a strong round of thanks and appreciation to Karen for bringing the FHA books onto QuickBooks and to such a legible, user-friendly condition.
  1. City Light : Peter gave a brief overview of  current status. The FHA City Light Committee has decided to select one dock as a trial candidate. Once selected the dock will meet the FHA electrical engineering consultant, Stantec and define a scope of work that brings the dock up to a higher standard of safety. Once this scope of work has been defined the dock and Stantec will arrange a meeting with City Light. The objective will be to see what cooperation can be obtained with City Light that does not require a total removal and replacement of the existing electrical power distribution system to be replaced by one with meters on shore (costing approximately $75,000 per floating home_ see prior posts on the FHA site with details).
  1. Seaplanes: Peter noted that the legal and lobbying work by the FHA’s consultants was successful in getting critical wording imposed on the $300,000 grant to be awarded to promote boater education about seaplanes on Lake Union. Peter explained that the grant gets distributed over a 3 year period and that the current status may not change much during this term. He said he would reach out to see if the FHA or other Lake Union groups could be of assistance by way of E-Alert posts  explaining this boater-seaplane education process.
  1. Houseboat Evictions: Peter described calls from residents of the Wandesford Dock at the foot of Boston stating they feared they were being evicted. The dock is occupied by floating homes who rent their moorages…..they do not own them. Courtney explained that they were not being evicted but were served notices to inform each resident that they need to prepare  to buy their slips or vacate the premises. Courtney is putting them together with a lender as a next step.
  1. FHA June Meetings:  Because of a conflict in Peter’s schedule it was decided to NOT have a meeting on the first Wednesday of June but to do the following:
  • Monday June 13th at 7:00PM we’ll hold a brief meeting to review an agenda for the Annual FHA Zoom Meeting
  • Wednesday June 15th we will hold our Annual FHA Meeting
    • Courtney to host the Zoom call commencing at 6:45.
      • Peter will have a small presentation on floating homes around the world.
      • Followed by an introduction of board members
      • Followed by an agenda to be finalized Monday June 13th.
      • Central at this annual meeting will be an overview of the FHA Virtual Tour Fundraiser by Courtney. We want the members to get excited and help spread the word to the public.
      • Courtney and Peter to get their power point presentations into Sarah by Tuesday night, June 14th.

Minutes – April 6th, 2022 

In attendance: Karen Mooney, Megan Sutherland, Elliott Wolf, Courtney Cooper, Sharon Morken, Heidi Eagleton, Sarah Morlidge, Joan Rosenstock and Peter Erickson

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM.

  • Treasurer’s Report: was given by Karen Mooney. In short all was in order and FHA remains with a solid Reserve Fund.  Megan Sutherland will take over as Board Treasure effective July 1st, 2022
  • Seaplane legal and lobbying budget: Because this became a topic of concern by some board members the following is a re-cap of the history. Karen discussed her concern about the amount of legal fees being spent on seaplane issues which she noted were a low priority in the 2021 FHA Survey. Peter pointed out that as the survey was written_ seaplane issues were a low priority unless there was further activity by Kenmore (as in 2019) to institute a dedicated, off-limits runway down the center of Lake Union.  We were notified in December of 2021 by our lobbyist, Amalia Walton that Kenmore’s PR consultant, Tim Ceis had contacted her to inform her of a $300,000 grant to Kenmore from the governor’s office to address “boater and seaplane safety on Lake Union”. He wanted to know if FHA would support a dedicated runway.   Amalia stated in her presentation to the January 2022 FHA Board meeting that if allowed, a summer trial of a dedicated runway would establish a precedent that would be impossible to reverse. She felt we needed to put conditions on the budget proposal before it went up for a vote by the state legislators that would allow effective public input and monitoring with regard to the use of the funds.  She and Darby DuComb worked on this legislation in December and January and were successful in getting the budget proposal modified such that it will be  transparent as to who receives the money and how it is spent. And it is worded such that a dedicated runway without public input will not be an option with this funding. These revisions also require the recipient to provide a detailed report every June describing its activities as well as its success and failures. This conditional requirement on the budget allows the public to stay informed and ahead of activities that might otherwise be used as a “study” for the purpose of determining the necessity of a dedicated, off-limits runway in order to ensure the safety of boaters …..which of course it would do but at the expense of the public’s use of Lake Union. Peter also shared the December input of previous board president, John Leness who was adamant the budget proposal needed transparency and public input criteria.
  • FHA’s Annual Fund Raising Tour: Courtney spent twenty minutes describing her impressions and experience of last year’s Sausalito Floating Home Virtual Tour which she viewed. In short, she was very excited and convinced we can use better virtual technology and improve on the public’s experience of each home with animated stories of the home-owners.  She’s going to send each of the board members a list of committees and areas for us to get involved to help and to support her produce this event. She would like the event to take place Saturday, September 17th.  When we receive her task list its up to us to sign up for a committee and make it a success.
  • City Light Update: Peter described the next phase in this effort in which 2 docks in poor condition will be asked to work with Stantec to have a scope of work defined that will bring their docks into a safer operating standard. Peter has been talking with the Wandesford dock at the head of Boston and Rob Widmeyer is talking with 2031 Fairview. It’s the intent to have these docks work with Stantec and meet with City Light to see if the utility will cooperate with the floating home community by supporting this gradual upgrade approach.
  • The Annual FHA Meeting was discussed. Everyone agreed to target Wednesday June 15th as the date for the meeting.

Business was concluded and the meeting ended at 7:40 PM. Peter Erickson

Minutes – Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022

The Zoom Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were Dave Chappelle, John Giaever, Sarah Morlidge, Elliott Wolf, Sharon Morken and Joan Rosenstock.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Karen was unable to attend but had the foresight to send the updated financials prior to the meeting. She also informed us that she has started working with Megan Sutherland to be her replacement Treasurer. Megan will be invited to our next meeting Wednesday April 6th.
  2. DNR _ Floating Home Lease: Peter was contacted by Amalia Walton and  Derrick Toba of DNR. He is our DNR floating homes jurisdiction contact and would like to finalize the negotiations and drafting of a new DNR Lease to become the baseline for all floating homes on DNR water. Sarah pointed out that she was under the impression that the lease had been fully negotiated and that we were waiting for DNR to provide the “template” by which floating home docks and co-ops could determine their rents. Peter said he would work with Amalia and Derrick to get the most recent iteration of the lease and template for us to review.
  3. City Light update: Prior to the meeting Peter distributed the one page summary from our consultants, Stantec.  They’ve reviewed our survey data and toured several docks and based on their visual inspection they’ve outlined actions by which all docks could improve the function and safety of their equipment without triggering City Light’s requirement for all homes to place their meters on shore. To work, this approach would require buy-in of City Light.  This one page document from Stantec is what FHA  needs to finally engage with City Light. Peter will work with the City Light Committee to set up this first meeting.
  4. Seaplanes: Of the 98 state legislators we only received positive feedback from the 3 or 4  representing downtown and the geographic area around Lake Union. Our attorneys have noted that the remaining 94  have been well lobbied so we are not holding high expectations. Peter noted that simply having our position in the record will be instrumental 3 years from now when the seaplane grant expires and next steps are put forward. Peter also shared information related to the Port of Seattle’s enquiry to the Seaplanes Environmental Coalition about exploring the option of an Elliott Bay Flight Center.
  5. FHA Fund Raiser: Courtney was unable to join us tonight but has assured us that she’ll be able to present  a detailed overview and visuals of how the Sausalito Virtual Tour was held. Her fund raising presentation will be the main focus of our April 6th meeting.

Business was concluded and the meeting ended at 7:40 PM. Peter Erickson

Minutes – Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022

The Zoom meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were Sarah Morlidge, Heidi Eagleton, Dave Chappelle, John Giaever, Elliott Wolf and Peter Erickson.

  1. Treasurer’s Report : This was omitted as Karen who was absent explained by email that there were no expenses or changes since the January posting.
  2. City Light Committee :  Heidi and Peter gave brief updates on the status of the survey which has yet to be finalized and yet to be turned over to Stantec, our electrical engineering consultant. Heidi expressed her concern that FHA should be proactive by proposing a future date certain (15 or 20 years from now?)  by which all floating homes will place their electric meters on the shore in order to meet the current electrical code. An opposing perspective by one of our committee members, Rob Widmeyer sees no need to promise to relocate our meters but rather the need to get City Light to work with us to make our existing systems safe (safer?). Peter wants to put this discussion off until our electrical consultant has had the time to review our survey work, visit several docks to assess existing conditions and actually meet and discuss options with City Light. Peter thinks we won’t have substantive feedback from Stantec or City Light for several months.
  3. Seaplane/Recreational Boating Safety Grant:  Based on the unanimous vote of approval at our last meeting _ FHA’s lobbyist Amalia Walton (who was a previous FHA President) and FHA counsel, Darby DuComb jointly drafted a letter for our state legislator, Nicole Macri. Based on Amalia and Darby’s recommendation, Peter also asked other Lake Union user groups _ the Log Foundation (52 unit floating home co-op), Share Lake Union (members of the kayak, paddle board, boating and boat rental businesses) and the Seaplanes Environmental Coalition (currently chaired by Peter’s wife, Brigitte Bertschi) to sign as an aligned user-group _ which all did. See letter and Exhibits attached. Because FHA wants to be transparent with Kenmore Air in hopes of one day being able to work together Peter also sent a  copy of the letter to Kenmore president, Todd Banks and Operations chief, John Gowey. Peter did not raise FHA Board expectations about effectiveness of our efforts as we’ve been informed that Kenmore has been actively lobbying all state representatives who will vote on the grant. We’ve also been informed that we may not hear any news on this measure until middle or end of March.
  4. Peter mentioned the real need to raise funds and asked all board members to be prepared to find ways to support Courtney this year as she mounts a virtual reality Floating Homes Tour.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm

Minutes – Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM. In attendance were Dave Chappelle, Karen Mooney, Joan Rosenstock, John Giaever, Courtney Campbell, Elliott Wolf, Sharon Morken. Apologies from Sarah Morlidge.
  1. First item of business was the Treasurer’s Report by Karen. Again Karen distributed the financials in advance so all were able to review prior to the meeting which facilitates the review. In short, FHA’s finances are in good condition. Karen reminded folks that she’s stepping down after the annual meeting. Peter informed the board he has an excellent candidate, Megan Sutherland who currently manages the finances for the Log Foundation, a 52 unit co-op. He will send an email of introduction to Karen.
  2. Seaplanes: Amalia Walton, FHA’s lobbyist in Olympia was present to give a review of the grant from the Governor’s office for the purpose of boating safety related to seaplanes. To preface the discussion, Peter made it clear that FHA remains supportive of Kenmore’s current operation. What we’re opposing is the possibility that the Governor’s office may be making a grant through the REC agency to Kenmore in the amount of $300,000  to be spent over 3 years to hire off-duty patrol to constantly sweep its single row of buoys on crowded summer afternoons and evenings.  Amalia  is working with our attorney Darby DuComb to draft a letter expressing our concerns. After Amalia’s report, the board voted to approve sending this letter to the relevant governmental agencies.
  3. City Light Survey : Guest Rob Widmeyer provided an overview of FHA’s City Light Committee’s progress to date. Now that the board has finished its survey of every dock on the lake Rob says he will work with our electrical engineering consultant, Stantec to draft negotiating points to be discussed with City Light. He summarized by saying he thought we should be able to continue to operate as we do currently IF we can get City Light to work with us to allow us to repair any obvious life-safety shortcomings on each dock’s distribution system. He did not think we would need to agree to a future date to place our meters on shore. Peter disagreed with Rob on this issue but said it would be a wonderful outcome if Rob is correct.
  4. Fairview Street Sidewalks: Peter explained that city zoning code for Fairview Avenue East between Newton and Lynn requires developers to install sidewalks and tree plantings thereby removing all the parking on the east side of the street currently used for floating home parking. He informed the board that Dave Galvin of 2019 Fairview is working with neighbors to try to get city council members to support a change in the code to remove the requirement for sidewalks. He is working in conjunction with the Eastlake Community Council to try to get this approved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05.

Minutes – Wednesday, December 1st 2021

In attendance: Dave Chappelle, Joan Rosenstock, John Giaever, Sharon Morken, Peter Erickson. Apologies: Sarah Morlidge, Karen Mooney, Courtney Cooper.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM

  1. The board discussed the change taking place on the board year-end 2021. Both Michael Smith and Elliott Wolf indicated last spring that they would be stepping off at the end of the year. Everyone was very grateful to both Mike and Elliott for all the work they’ve put into the organization over the past 4 years. And they were grateful for proposing that we solicit their dock member, Heidi Eagleton to join.
  • To fill the vacancies both Heidi Eagleton and John Giaever were solicited and voted on the board.
  • Peter indicated he has a wonderful candidate to work with and eventually replace Karen whenever she decides to step down.
  • Current board members are Sarah Morlidge, Courtney Cooper, Karen Mooney, Dave Chappelle, Joan Rosenstock, John Giaever, Sharon Morken, Heidi Eagleton, Peter Erickson
  1. City Light Overview : Peter skimmed the notes from the FHA City Light Committee Meeting sent to each board member prior to the meeting. In brief, FHA’s electrical engineering consultant, Troy Thun of Stantec has been tasked with the following;
    • Advise how we can best preserve our existing, legal, non-conforming, grandfathered status (meters on the house or dock) for as long as possible while we plan and raise funds to meet the new NEC Code
    • Draft a masterplan to get from meters on houses to meters on shore.
  • Troy of Stantec, indicated he needs an FHA to survey of every dock and a record of the number of houses and the location of meters.
  • Peter said he would draft a survey sheet with a check list to distribute to volunteers. The full FHA community was parceled into the following areas with the following volunteers to do the surveys:
    • Portage Bay / Univ. Bridge – Courtney Cooper and Joan Rosenstock
    • Bridge/Hamlin St. – Peter Erickson
    • Roanoke Reef – Sarah Morlidge
    • Mallard Cove – Matt Goyer
    • Louisa to Lynn: Peter Erickson
    • Lynn to Newton: Rob Widmeyer
    • Westlake to Fremont Bridge; John Giaever or Dave Chappelle
    • Fremont to Univ District: John Giaever or Dave Chappelle
  • It was agreed the survey would be completed by December 24th.
  • In the next 3 days Peter will distribute the Survey Data Sheet to be filled in for each dock.
  1. Funding to mitigate a potential $20 to $25 million cost to the community to meet this City Light upgrade: Joan Rosenstock offered to dig into possible low-interest city loan financing or possibly LID (Local Improvement District) funding by the city but paid through the community as an addition to real estate taxes.
  2. Peter reminded everyone that he will be back in Mexico for the 3 months of January through April 10th as he has been for the past 3 years. But he’ll continue to host the monthly FHA Zoom Meetings as he has for the past 3 years ….assuming internet is not down!


Minutes – Wednesday November 19th, 2021

In attendance were John Giaever, Michael Smith, Dave Chappelle, Courtney Cooper, Heidi Eagleton, Sarah Morlidge and Peter Erickson. The Zoom Meeting started at 7:00PM

  1. A comprehensive Treasurer’s Report was distributed by Karen a day before the meeting. All present had no questions or changes to the report.
  2. City Light Upgrade Issue: Heidi Eagleton of the City Light Committee gave an overview of the topic starting with a review of the code summaries prepared by Bryan Yoshida of Stantec, our electrical engineering consultant.
  3. The most substantive take-away of the report is the fact that City Light Code and the City of Seattle Electrical Code both are required to follow provisions of the National Electric Code (NEC) which clearly states that meters may not be on over-water or floating structures. Meters must be placed on shore and in accordance with code requirements. Stantec felt constrained by the code and could offer no engineering solutions for a safe, cost-effective way for the community and City Light to mitigate upgrade costs.
  1. FHA Board discussion re next steps with City light were as follows….
  • The older docks in our community are currently served by an electric power distribution either on overhead poles or in conduit under the dock running to individual meters at each house. These meters are “the point of service” at which City Light liability terminates.
  • Current NEC code requires meters to be on shore.
  • In short, City Light owns and operates an aging power distribution system over water that does not meet current NEC or City code and as such is a City Light liability….and increasingly a floating home life-safety issue.
  • City Light wants to put the cost of moving meters to shore (per NEC code) on each home owner. This shifting of liability and the cost of relocating meters to shore is difficult to force for the simple reason the community is powered from a distribution system owned and operated by City Light.
    • There is a potential legal argument the NEC requirement for meters on shore may imply both a City Light and floating home responsibility. We have 2 attorneys on the committee and we’ll wait to get their perspective on the issue.
  • In an effort to force this upgrade City light has implemented a new code provision to the effect that anyone “upgrading” their service (increasing the power distributed to their home) must meet current code by putting their meter on shore. This is cost prohibitive individually and even if done by a whole dock runs about $70,000 per house.
  • The board wants to explore LID (Local Improvement District) financing with the city to see if it can arrange long-term financing for whatever portion of the total upgrade cost we eventually agree upon.  This would likely involve state legislative and city council lobbying.
  1. Sarah thought we should conduct a community-wide survey to determine exactly how many floating homes do not currently have their meters on shore. Completing this survey is a goal for our next board meeting.
  • Peter said he would survey all docks from Newton Street on the south side of Lake Union all the way to Ward’s Cove north of Hamlin at the north end.
  • Courtney said she would survey all of Portage Bay around the University Bridge peninsula and down the east side up to Ward’s Cove.
  • Dave Chappelle said he would survey all docks on Westlake and the one moorage on the north side of the ship canal in Fremont.

The meeting ended at 8:15PM

Minutes – Wednesday October 6th, 2021

The meeting commenced at 7:00PM via Zoom with Peter Erickson, Karen Mooney, Michael Smith, Dave Chappelle, Sharon Morken, Sarah Morlidge, Heidi Eagleton and John Giaever present. Apologies from Elliott Wolf, Joan Rosenstock and Courtney Cooper

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM

  • The 2 new prospective board members, Heidi Eagleton and John Giaever were introduced to the board and each gave a little historical background. Both have experience and abilities that are much welcomed and will serve the community well.
  • Karen gave the Treasurer’s Report which finds us with a solid reserve. Karen expressed concern about the loss of the Floating Home Tour revenues which has been our primary source of funds to pay for legal and consulting work. Peter reminded her that Courtney is working on a virtual Zoom Tour much as was successfully conducted in Sausalito, CA.
  • Lake Water Level Status –  Ann Wunderlin and Ed  from Tenas Chuck gave a detailed report about progress to date on the low water survey. (See letter below). They are very close to completion of the survey and will work with their committee to come up with FHA support recommendations.
  • Peter discussed the status of FHA’s dock membership drive. Last month we were able to sign up the 2 Westlake Associates docks. Jann is working with Sarah and Karen to get contact information and an invoice out to their treasurer.
  • City light update was discussed at length.
    • The committee now consists of Dawn Vyvyan, Heidi Eagleton and Rob Widmeyer.
    • Rob strongly suggested FHA retain a large and influential electrical engineering firm Stantec to represent us in negotiations with City Light and City of Seattle.
    • Peter forwarded Stantec’s proposal before the meeting for everyone’s review. Karen and Sarah advised caution at entering into a potential open-ended contract. Peter shared his development experience in that a finished negotiation for such a community wide scope would more than likely end up being at least twice that of this initial discovery proposal. There was much discussion about the necessity of finally obtaining a baseline document that describes and quantifies the City Light Upgrade Mandate for floating homes.
    • A vote was then taken to accept the proposal.
    • Once we have Stantec’s baseline report and suggested strategy our lobbyist Dawn Vyvyan and legal help, Heidi Eagleton will be soliciting State Senator Jamie Pedersen for a meeting to assist FHA in negotiating a realistic upgrade alternative.
    • And once the Stantec electrical proposal is in hand we’ll be reaching out to City Councilman Alex Pedersen to help work the city code issues.
  • Seattle Harbor Patrol status report : We received a response to my letter to the City Council from Councilmember, Lisa Herbold effectively stating that SHP has not been de-funded. The drop in number of officers from 24 to 12 is due to attrition and lack of ability to train new officers. See letter below.  We will follow the lead of the maritime group and their lobbyist in how to respond.

The meeting ended at 8:10. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 3rd at 7pm. Submitted by Peter Erickson

Minutes – Tuesday August 31st, 2021

The meeting commenced at 7:00PM via Zoom with Dave Chappelle, Courtney Cooper, Sharon Morken, Sarah Morlidge and Peter Erickson present.

Board Members:

  1. The need for new FHA Board Members was the first item of business. Michael Smith and Karen Mooney had both discussed at the previous meeting their desire to step off the board this year. Michael was clear he wanted to complete his term and proposed a new candidate _ discussed below. Karen was less clear so I’ll ask to see if she’ll consider staying on another year ……and/or see if she’d be willing to stay on simply to assist the new treasurer if needed. Karen has taken the considerable effort to set up FHA on QuickBooks which is wonderful as it makes the job dramatically easier for her replacement.
  2. Elliott and Michael both proposed Heidi Eagleton, a resident on their dock, as a great prospect. I talked with Heidi for half an hour and think she would be a valuable asset for FHA. She has degrees and experience as an attorney, an architect, a contractor as well as a depth of knowledge with permitting and land use issues.
  3. I proposed a neighbor of 5 years, John Giaever, who recently moved to Dave and Karen’s dock. John originally comes from a large downtown home-owner organization where he is on the board and has been dealing with the management of major renovations and upgrades. His experience with the use and development of reserve assessments is information our members have asked for in the past. Dave Chappell also spoke highly of John as a new neighbor on his dock.
  4. The board agreed to invite both candidates to attend our October 6th zoom-meeting.

Membership Drive:  

  1. Elliott has been working to motivate his dock to join as a co-op. He asked Peter for talking points to enlighten his neighbors about the benefits provided by FHA to all floating homes. With the list of benefits in hand Elliott was successful in getting them to join as a co-op…. well done and thank you Elliott!
  2. Courtney is pitching 1213 East Shelby and the adjacent dock for full enrollment. She has a copy of the talking points as well if needed. With any luck we’ll soon have those docks as new members and financial supporters.
  3. Jann forwarded contact information to Peter Erickson for 2764 and 2766 Westlake which he has followed up on. Their representative asked for the talking points which they now have. She’s going to get back to him if they want to follow up with a Zoom call.
  4. Any other board member with contacts on a dock that is not an FHA member please connect me. 

On-going FHA Issues:

  1. Dave Chappelle presented the Puget Sound Keepers, a long time FHA ally as worthy of continued support by our community. They are very proactive in keeping our waterways protected and clean which is integral to the quality of life for floating homes. We’ve supported them in the past and by unanimous vote agreed to make a $5,000 contribution again this year.
  2. Seattle Harbor Patrol: Joan Rosenstock, Misha Halverson and Peter Erickson attended a large Zoom call in July sponsored by the Northwest Marine Trade Association with Port Commissioner, Peter Steinbrueck as a guest speaker. The long/short of it is the need for as many people as possible to send emails to the mayor’s office by mid-September with the objective of getting increased funding for the SHP in the mayor’s budget before it goes to City Council. Peter will forward more specific directives shortly in order to get as many FHA members to assist in this write-in campaign as possible. Here’s a link to the action alert that members can use to connect with their council members: https://www.votervoice.net/NMTA/campaigns/87071/respondCity light upgrade mandate: Dawn, proposed new board candidate Heidi Eagleton and I meet this Friday the 10th to lay out a strategy.
  3. Floating Homes and building permits: Yet another permit is now being required by King County. As of 2 months ago they are requiring floating homes to not only get a plumbing permit from the city but now also from King County. FHA is adding this to our list of governmental agencies to be removed or curtailed in their jurisdictional impacts on floating homes.
  4. New Floating Homes: These usually replace old homes which the city demands be destroyed_ not relocated. The city is concerned they will simply cover more water space somewhere else when the practice in fact is that they replace older irreparable homes which do get removed. Or they get moved to location on land.  FHA will add this to our list of governmental agency fights to be addressed.

The meeting ended at 7:50. The next meeting is Wednesday, October 6th at 7:00PM. Submitted by Peter Erickson

MINUTES – Wednesday, June 02, 2021   7:00 PM 

Present: Peter Erickson, Janet WilliamsSarah Morlidge, Michael SmithDave ChappelleKaren Mooney     

Excused: Sharon Morken, Courtney Cooper, Elliott Wolff, Joan Rosenstock 

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.   


  1. Peter asked Board members to each specify something they want to accomplish for the FHA over the summer.    
    1. Dave wants to strengthen our relationship with the Puget Soundkeeper.  
    2. Karen will work on documenting the treasurer’s job.  
    3. Janet wants to work on getting each new floating homeowner an FHA welcome package (maybe containing FHA magnet, old cookbook copies).  
    4. Sarah will add useful tips for living in a FH to the website.  
    5. Butch wants to work on ways to let renters know about the FHA.  He will also join the group with Dawn and Peter that will be working over the summer. 
    6. Peter would like to get one of the larger docks signed up for group FHA membership 
  2. Splash Seattle (new Ride the Ducks) has filed their application, and Darby is keeping track of their progress for us.  We need to ensure that they respect the sound ordinance, and the rule that they keep at least 200 feet away from houseboats.  
  3. It was decided that the FHA Board will not meet in July and August unless a compelling need arises and a meeting has to be called.  Instead we will all use the time to accomplish our tasks, and report our progress to the Board in September.  

Meeting adjourned at 7:30.  

Next Board meeting September 1st, 7pm.  

Respectfully submitted, 

Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, May 12, 2021 7:00 PM

Present: Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sharon Morken, Sarah Morlidge, Elliott Wolff, Michael Smith, Dave Chappelle

Excused: Karen Mooney, Courtney Cooper, Joan Rosenstock

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.

Discussion of FHA Annual Meeting Agenda suggested topics for review. Meeting is Wed. May 19 via Zoom.

Sarah will include notice in newsletter.

Peter will begin by welcoming everyone. At end Peter will ask people to log on to FHA and let us know where they can contribute/volunteer.

1. Survey Overview: Sarah Morlidge to provide an overview of results. (10 minutes)

2. Harbor Patrol decreased staffing. Peter to provide a 5 minute update on this? (5 Minutes)

  • In 2020 a decrease in staffing from 21 to 12 officers
  • Harbor Patrol’s comment to FHA on Feb 24th that they would be much more effective and responsive if they had 2 more officers.
  • FHA is exploring what if anything it can do to support this need for increased staffing?
  • Peter will ask Joan if she can give a 5 min update to the HP report.

3. Seaplanes (10 minutes)

  • Based on FHA and SEC negotiations Kenmore agreed in writing to withdraw any motion or effort for a dedicated runway. It was recently announced that Kenmore will not fly into Lake Union on Sats and Suns during the summer and will instead discharge passengers in Kenmore or Boeing Field.
  • However, Kenmore’s partner, Harbor Air out of Vancouver BC sent an email letter on Nov. 10th, 2020 clearly stating the necessity and inevitability of a dedicated runway on Lake Union most likely mandated by FAA, with the cost of patrolling the runway to be paid by all Lake Union users including floating homes as the beneficiaries of improved life-safety.
  • In short, FHA is supporting the right of seaplanes to continue to operate at their current levels of activity utilizing a single row of buoys to be monitored at their expense and staffing.
  • If there’s an effort to expand seaplane rights or activity FHA will work with SEC to resist as we have done successfully in the past.

4. City Light Mandate: (10 minutes)

  • City Light has implemented new building code requiring older floating homes to place their meters on shore. Some of the newer moorages are deemed code compliant.
  • Implementing the removal of meters and relocating them on shore costs tens of thousands per effected floating home.
  • FHA has formed a committee with Dawn Vyvyan and Peter Erickson. Dawn is an FHA member who is both an attorney in public affairs in addition to being a well-connected lobbyist in Olympia.
  • Commencing in August this issue will be researched and negotiated to try to find a more equitable solution. The City can decide whether or not to enforce this new code. If they do, it could cost $20K-35K per floating home.

5. Low Lake Level Grounding Issues (10 minutes)

  • Ann Wunderlin will describe efforts to date to quantify the problem and to convince the Army Corp of Engineers to reduce the amount of water released causing the shore side floating homes to bottom-out inflicting costly damage. The amount (2 feet) that the lake is raised/lowered may possibly be somewhat arbitrary.

6. Seattle Splash (5 minutes) (a rebirth of Ride The Ducks). Rob Widmeyer will give a brief update on the topic.

Next Board meeting June 2nd, 7pm

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, April 07, 2021   7:00 PM 

Present: Peter Erickson, Janet WilliamsSharon Morken, Sarah MorlidgeCourtney CooperElliott Wolff, Michael Smith, Dave Chappelle, Joan Rosenstock  

Excused: Karen Mooney 

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.  


  1. Review and approve minutes of last meeting.
  2. Financial Report reviewed:  
    1. Cookbooks selling well 
    2. Elliott is working on the anthology book; expects publication late summer/early fall.   
  3. Proposed Splash tours.  Courtney is contacting people on end moorages; she has house numbers.   
  4. Annual Meeting.  This will be virtual again this year, on May 19.  The Board will hold a run-through at our regular monthly Board meeting, on May 12.  The technology will be handled as we did last year, with screen sharing from the speakers.  We may begin with a brief recap of the survey findings.  Then topics to be discussed include: 
    • Harbor Patrol (Misha working on; Joan will join her committee) 
    • City Lights (Dawn will join as volunteer in August) 
    • Shore end bottoming out issue (Ann Wunderlin has drafted a survey and asked us to distribute it)
    • Proposed Seattle Splash from Alaska Amphibious Tours (Rob Widmeyer will ask them for a courtesy agreement to minimize speakers, and stay at least 300 feet from floating homes) 
    • Dock surfaces (Courtney looking for someone knowledgeable about this) 
    • Next tour 2022 (Courtney will address) 

Meeting adjourned at 7:42 PM 

Next Board meeting May 12th, 7pm  

Respectfully submitted, 

Janet Williams, Secretary 

MINUTES – Wednesday, March 01, 2021 7:00 PM

Present: Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sharon Morken, Karen Mooney, Sarah Morlidge, Courtney Cooper, Elliott Wolff, Michael Smith

Excused: Dave Chappelle, Joan Rosenstock

Invited guests: Dawn Vyvyan

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.


1. Review and approve minutes of last meeting – Approved and seconded

2. Financial Report: Karen reports:

  • · Cookbooks selling well
  • · Memberships doing well

3. FHA Member Survey :

  • Peter shared thoughts from community members, who really liked the survey and the fact that we were listening to them. We got 149 responses; Sarah will publish the responses on the website.
  • Top 3 concerns: Harbor Patrol, city lights electric, building code issues.
  • “Emergency preparations” were also seen as important, so we will work on that.

4. Our sympathies to FHA Office Manager Jann McFarland on the loss of her husband. Courtney noted that in Callahan’s book that the chapter called The Moving Man was about Sid McFarland. An obituary will be shared later.

5. Dawn Vyvyan (lobbyist for Yakima Nation) joined us – she is a City Light expert. Peter asked Dawn to head up a committee on the issues related to upgrading electrical service panels beginning in July.

6. Harbor Patrol – they are asking for two more positions. We brainstormed ideas to help them, such as hiring other vendors to haul away debris, which the HP often has to do. Misha Halvarsson has volunteered to head up a committee on HP; we are looking for people to help her who have specific skills such as interviewing skills, and investigative reporting skills. Thank you to Ingrid Rasch who has offered to help her. Anyone interested should reach out to Misha via contact@seattlefloatinghomes.org.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM. Next Board meeting April 7th, 7 pm. Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, February 3, 2021 7:00 PM
Location: via Zoom
Present: Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sharon Morken, Karen Mooney, Sarah Morlidge, Elliott Wolff, Dave Chappelle, Michael Smith, Joan Rosenstock
Excused: Courtney Cooper
Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:30 pm

Agenda Items:

1. Reviewed and approved the minutes of the last meeting.

2. Treasurer’s report.

3. Membership –  is $50 normally, but only $45 per houseboat if the whole dock joins. Dock Society is new and has joined as a dock. Stillwater is the new dock in Portage Bay and will join soon hopefully.

4. Houseboatique – The inventory of cookbooks is 159 now for the new one. Courtney will find out how many of the old ones there are.

5.Survey – Sarah updated us on the launch and status of the FHA Survey so far which has been a significant and successful undertaking! 77 surveys back now, and we still have till the 8th. The Harbor Patrol has been rated a top issue. They used to have regular meetings, but have canceled them “indefinitely” since March. Joan and Peter will contact them and look into arranging a meeting with them and some of us to see how we can best support them. Other issues rated as important to our community include DNR leases and mandated electrical upgrades. Peter will discuss the DNR issues with Amalia, and with Dawn on electrical issues. Peter will ask Amalia to update us at our next meeting. (Dawn may also be helpful on issues with Building Codes, especially if we have to get the state legislature involved.) Sarah will pursue information on Emergency Preparedness, another important issue. (See information on Peter’s dock’s website.) Seaplanes – Peter’s main issue; he has been in touch with Harbor Air. This issue probably won’t come to the fore again until July/August.

6. Fundraising –  Alternative fundraising in this year of COVID was discussed. A suggestion was made about hosted dinners held on outdoor porches of houseboats. However, there was general agreement that it is still too early in the pandemic to consider this. Elliott is working on a book with local (Houseboat) authors about houseboat living – novelists, poets, photographers, musicians, sheet music, etc. He has 28 artists so far willing to contribute. The book, which will be hardbound with color and sell for about $24, should be out late summer. The first 1000 books sold will pay off all the expenses; then proceeds go to FHA. Elliott is looking for an experienced publicist to promote this new book.

Next Board meeting March 3rd, 7 pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, January 06, 2021 7:00 PM

Present: Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sharon Morken, Karen Mooney, Sarah Morlidge, Courtney Cooper, Elliott Wolff, Dave Chappelle, Michael Smith, Joan Rosenstock
Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.

Agenda Items:
1. Review and approve minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve – Peter. 2nd – Michael. Approved
2. Financial Report : Karen to walk us through a detailed overview of FHA’s Financials
– Review of 2020 Financial statements.
– Sharon moved to accept 2021 budget; Dave 2nd. Motion passed
3. FHA Member Survey :
– Sarah to explain the logistics of how the survey will be conducted – it will be combination of email and postcard.
– Sarah needs input from Board about the content for the survey
– The list of issues to be prioritized must be finalized by January 15 in order to keep this project on time.
4. Discussed strategy to try to change this year FHA membership from one of solicitation of individual floating homes to one that instead solicits full docks and co-ops.
– Approximately 60% of houseboats are currently members. Increasing membership is our challenge.
– Karen offered to send report of dues paid for each Dock
– It was discussed that we transition FHA dues to a calendar year. The transition would involve a short year billing in 2021 in order to get everyone on same expiration. Karen offered to discuss with Jann since the burden would fall on her. To be discussed at February meeting.

Other Business:

Peter brought up administrative tasks. Everyone agreed that Jann is doing a good job for FHA and provides a valuable depth of experience and connections to the group. No changes anticipated until Jann indicates that she would like a change.
Sharon requested a refund the $600 deposit paid to Tyee YC for cancelled annual meeting. Tyee responded that they do not refund deposits, but the money can be applied to a future event. Board agreed to leave the money as is and will look forward to the time when we can hold an event for FHA members.

Next Board meeting February 3 rd , 7pm
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM
Respectfully submitted, Karen Mooney, Acting Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, December 2, 2020   7:00 PM

Location:  via Zoom

Present: John Leness, Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sharon Morken, Karen Mooney, Sarah Morlidge, Courtney Cooper, Elliott Wolff, Dave Chappelle, Michael Smith

Excused: Joan Rosenstock

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.

Several Board members are about to hit their term limit and would ordinarily be replaced by new Board members.  However, because of the pandemic, the Board decided that current officers who are able, can continue to serve until we are in a position to recruit new officers.

John Leness has resigned from the Board as of today.  (He has moved out of his floating home and is planning to travel.)  However, he will be in the area until September.  Peter Erickson has agreed to serve as the President of the FHA, with Courtney Cooper as VP.  Both were unanimously confirmed by the Board.  The Board agreed to ask John to attend Board meetings and serve as a consultant until he leaves.  Traditionally the Board would select a Treasurer, but considering the pandemic, Karen will remain in that role for the foreseeable future.  Janet will remain as Secretary for now as well.

We are still facing several important issues: Battle with City Light about elec codes (We estimate that about 2/3 of the FH communities will have to upgrade their electrical systems.)  Discussions with seaplane companies will continue.  Funding of the Harbor Patrol: the short term risk may have abated, but the long game is still being fought.  We need new Board members, especially an attorney; we also need another lobbyist.

The Board agreed to prepare an online survey asking community residents to indicate to which issues we should dedicate FHA resources.  With Courtney and Sarah’s help, we will send to every household a postcard giving a heads-up to the upcoming survey.  (At the end of the survey, we will add a reminder to everyone to join the FHA.)  Peter will draft a few issues by tomorrow.  Eliot says if we finish signing the postcard by the 15th of December, we can have it in the mail in January.

Next Board meeting January 6. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM

Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, November 4, 2020   7:00 PM

Present: John Leness, Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sharon Morken, Karen Mooney, Sarah Morlidge, Joan Rosenstock, Courtney Cooper, Elliott Wolff, Dave Chappelle 

Excused: Michael Smith 

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:30 pm.

“Side-casting” is the practice of using hydraulic-jet hoses to cut away lake-bottom under the shoreside houseboats that bottom-out each winter when the lake is lowered. Our community has an abundance of affected shoreside houseboats, and there have been several inquiries about the protocol to do this.  At this point, one of the houseboat owners who is affected (Ann Wunderlin) will form a subcommittee to research players and potential solutions.

Floating Homes Anthology – Since we have no tour this year, Elliott has suggested we publish a book about houseboat living. We could corral floating homeowners who are already published authors, artists, and maybe musicians, and ask them to contribute.  The authors could write short pieces about what it is like to live on a HB.  Elliott would be willing to publish the book and give the FHA the proceeds after his expenses are paid. The authors would each own the copyright to their material, so they could do something else with their story as long as it doesn’t compete with the FHA book.   The book could come out in the spring (approx. 6 months from now). There could also be a “public” Zoom reading of the book.  Elliott would be the gatekeeper; the theme could be “Houseboat living.” Elliott is pursuing marketing possibilities.

Cookbook – Courtney and Molly got an offer from Carol Buchan to sell her book, Northwest Cooking Afloat, in the Houseboatique as an FHA fundraiser. They will have copies in time for holiday shopping.

Board Membership – The FHA Board is in need of new members. John has only one more meeting before he leaves the area.  Anyone interested in joining the Floating Home Board should contact us.

Decking Permits – We were asked by one dock if a permit was needed to replace some boards on their dock that are warped and/or damaged and represent a physical danger to those walking on them. They would be replaced with the exact same size wood that would be cut on land and then screwed into place. It was determined that no permit is needed.

Next Board meeting December 2. Meeting adjourned at 8 PM

Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, October 7, 2020 7:00 PM
Location: via Zoom
Present: John Leness, Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sharon Morken, Karen Mooney, Sarah Morlidge, Michael
Excused: Elliott Wolff, Dave Chappelle, Joan Rosenstock, Courtney Cooper
Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.
1 – New Electrical Building Code specifically for Floating Homes: Peter noted that City Light has determined that all
electrical meters need to be mounted on land for safety reasons. This involves:

A) Individual shore-based meters
Pouring a concrete pad to mount all meters for each dock.
The distribution of conduit from each meter to each floating home.
Removal of the old meter and the wiring of the new main to each meter.
The estimated cost for the above is approximately $20,000 per house.
B) Power from City Light pole-mounted transformers to dock meter bases.
Transformers have to be removed from the poles and placed in a concrete vault on the lakeside of the street.
This requires digging up the street, digging a vault location, pouring a transformer vault, installing transformer
and running power from the pole to the transformer.
When priced to have a single vault and transformer for 4 docks (approximately 72 floating homes) the cost was $18,000 per household.
C) FHA Position: We need to lobby our City Council to explain how City Lights arbitrarily mandated upgrade should not all be at our expense. We currently have and pay for City Light power on our docks. At a minimum City Light should do as it has in the past bring power to the meter.
We pay the cost of placing meters onshore.
City Light pays the cost of bringing power to the meters.
John and Peter will discuss this with Alex Pedersen, City Council member representing most of the houseboats.
(Please note: thanks to Peter for drafting the above clear explanation.)

2 – Issue discussed of current repercussions of an equity ordinance from the 1970s. This ordinance limited the
amount of rent and rent increases dock owners could charge slip inhabitants. These slips have no long-term leases,
which has caused a problem for slip renters who want to sell their houses. The City Council should modify the original
ordinance, and the FHA may take this up in the future as an issue, although it affects very few houses. No action
taken now.

3 – Issue with Harbor Patrol funding still up in the air. City Council has apparently decreased its maintenance
budget for now, which has resulted in the HP not being able to use some of their boats.

Next Board meeting November 4. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, September 2, 2020   7:00 PM

Location:  via Zoom

Present: John Leness, Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sharon Morken, Karen Mooney, Courtney Cooper, Sarah Morlidge, Michael Smith

Excused: Elliott Wolff, Dave Chappelle, Joan Rosenstock

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.  

  1. As the city council decides about funding to the police, they may cut the Harbor Patrol altogether as a separate department, perhaps folding it into the fire department.  This possible plan will be distributed to our FHA community, and all will be urged to write letters to the city council to protest this plan.  Unfortunately, there are not good data available to help justify the need for the HP.  We clearly need them for safety, and our commercial neighbors also need them to help control theft that is ongoing in the canal. Councilman Alex Pedersen is helping us identify the most effective ways to object to this plan.  We will include this issue on our website. We will obtain email addresses of Important People we should write to soon, since the City Council’s preliminary budget will be drafted in two weeks.  We can distribute these email addresses to folks at the rowing clubs, yacht clubs, commercial outfits, Kenmore, and companies that rent out electric boats, kayaks, and paddle boards.  We will urge them to write letters to the City Council; we have been advised that individual personally-worded letters are much more persuasive than form or group letters. We will ask a contact at HP to name five things they do on the lake, to help inform our letters.  Some of the issues that need to be thought through, if City Council is thinking of eliminating the HP, include the management of Seafair and other regattas.  Also, the City has worked hard to put in place City Street Ends and other waterfront places.  How would these be managed without the Harbor Patrol
  2. Peter is getting more pings from FHA owners on the electric code, and the FHA should get out ahead of that.  It was suggested that the FHA should try and block City Light from saying that we have to pay them to trench and vault the lines that homeowners are required to run.  This would save us 30-40% of the cost.  We should lobby every city council member, although this is low priority for the city council right now.

Next Board meeting October 7. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, August 5, 2020   7:00 PM

Location:  via Zoom

Present: John Leness, Dave Chappelle, Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sharon Morken, Karen Mooney, Joan Rosenstock, Courtney Cooper

Excused: Michael Smith, Sarah Morlidge, Elliott Wolff 

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.  

  1. Ongoing issue with police budget – city council voted yesterday to take 100K out of the police budget. Another vote is scheduled in another week.  Alex Pedersen voted in favor of it, so we assume there is merit to it.  We may have to fight for the Harbor Patrol on behalf of everybody on Lake Union.  HP currently has 22 officers, and already were down at least 7 officers.  We may have to organize to make our voices heard; we should be prepared.   The final budget is voted on the first week in November. 
  2. As previously decided, our annual meeting will be postponed at least till October.
  3. Seaplane issue – At the moment there are no short-term to-dos.  Kenmore is hardly flying now, since COVID hit.  John and Peter may want to call Kenmore and warn them that the Harbor Patrol is in danger of losing its financing from the City.  We have asked for development of a Lake Use Plan to be led by the City.  We believe that everyone needs to work together to come up with the “rules of the road” for the Lake.  John wants to make sure that in discussions with Kenmore, we have a seat at the table.  (The guy who owns the Space Needle guy is their partner.)  A master plan should include the Port of Seattle, DNR, and the FHA. We passed a motion allocating a contribution of up to $10,000 for a legal fund for seaplane Lake Union activities from September 2020-August 2021, conditioned upon the SEC (seaplane coalition) matching these funds with raised money.  This was passed unanimously.
  4.  Pettus park – there was a fantastic virtual planning meeting that many of us attended. 

Next Board meeting September 2. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 PM Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, July 1, 2020 7:00 PM

Location:  via Zoom

Present: John Leness, Dave Chappelle, Courtney Cooper, Michael Smith, Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Joan Rosenstock, Sarah Morlidge, Sharon Morken, Elliott Wolff 

Excused: Karen Mooney

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.

  1. Approval of minutes: June (m/s/p). Minutes approved. Karen distributed budget before the meeting. John to send Janet corrections to minutes from June meeting.
  1. Courtney Cooper and Molly Cartwright have agreed to run the Houseboatique.
  1. Bob Burk is moving away (so he will come off the Board). We thank him and Blair Robbins for their many years of service to FHA.  We are still looking for others who want to join the Board.
  1. We continue an ongoing dialogue with Kenmore Air. (See Peter Erickson’s summary.)  The second attachment represents a memo of understanding drafted after discussions with Kenmore for 6-7 months. This was sent to Kenmore the second week in June.  Unfortunately, as can be seen in the document titled “LAKE UNION SEAPLANES: Should FHA continue to share legal costs related to the seaplane issue?” in a separate conversation Kenmore then asked the City to appeal the DNR requirement that they search for an alternate landing location for high-use times.   (In 2019, Kenmore had requested help from the Harbor Police in enforcing a clear runway down the lake demarcated with lighted buoys for landing seaplanes.  If this was not possible, Kenmore then requested a dedicated runway down the middle of the lake that would be off-limits at all times to boaters, kayakers, paddleboarders.)
  1. Renovations will soon begin on Terry Pettus Park.

Next  meeting on August 5. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 PM Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, June 3, 2020 7:00 PM

Location:  via Zoom

Present: John Leness, Sharon Morken, Bob Burk, Dave Chappelle, Courtney Cooper, Michael Smith, Peter Erickson, Karen Mooney, Janet Williams 

Excused: Elliott Wolff, Joan Rosenstock, Sarah Morlidge 

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.

  1. Approval of minutes: May (m/s/p). Minutes approved. Karen distributed budget before the meeting.
  1. Float planes (Peter E and John L) – DNR’s wrote a letter approving the City’s application for the seaplane buoys, making the following points:
    • The City asked for a 5-year permit. Because of the comments in our lawyer’s appeal on behalf of the SEC (Seaplane Coalition) and FHA, The Department of Natural Resources only granted the City a 2-year term.
    • More importantly, DNR conditioned this permit on the provision of annual reports by the City detailing its progress in locating and sanctioning an alternative landing site on Elliott Bay for seaplanes to use during the peak-use-hours of 3 to 8 PM Thursdays through Sunday over the summer months. Note that DNR states that it expects this alternate peak-use-runway to eliminate the future need for buoys on Lake Union.

This is a significant ruling and a positive step in brokering a mutually-beneficial agreement between the seaplane industry and all other Lake Union stakeholders.  For this effort to be mutually beneficial to all Lake Union stakeholders, FHA and SEC will continue to work proactively with Kenmore.

FHA has proposed an interim agreement before a permanent place is settled on.  Also, we have suggested they consider using Otter planes, which are bigger and quieter, so that the number of flights can be reduced.  Kenmore is willing to consider this, but is apprehensive about the two other flight companies on the lake taking advantage of any freed-up airspace.

FHA welcomes any donations to this cause.  Donations are tax-deductible (made out to FHA) and must be ear-marked for the Seaplane Coalition.

  1. We will continue to have zoom meetings in July and August.
  1. Courtney is looking for a dock surveyor for a reserve survey for insurance. Peter mentioned that Coastal Diving did an underwater survey for his dock.  Homeowners need to be more aware of the need for dock reserves to pay for infrastructure upgrades, including electrical upgrades (in 5-7 years), plumbing upgrades, etc.   This need is growing more acute, so Courtney offered to develop a brochure for homeowners that would detail these infrastructure issues, with approximate costs.
  1. At our July meeting we will plan to talk about committee assignments. Dave is heading up the environmental committee, and has already made connection with Soundkeepers.
  1. COVID-related information: The rowing clubs have started allowing singles and doubles, but Duck Dodge and the fireworks are not being held. Race week on Whidbey has been cancelled.  Blake Island opens this weekend.  The San Juans are heading into Phase 2, and may let boats come and anchor.  

Next meeting July 1 – Zoom.

Adjourned at 7:40.

Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, May 6, 2020 7:00 PM

Location:  via Zoom

Present: John Leness, Sharon Morken, Bob Burk, Dave Chappelle, Courtney Cooper, Michael Smith, Peter Erickson, Sarah Morlidge, Karen Mooney, Janet Williams 

Excused: Elliott Wolff, Joan Rosenstock 

 Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.

  1. Approval of minutes: April (m/s/p). Minutes approved.
  2. New members – Bob Burk and Dave Chappelle. Dave will take over the environmental area  (e.g., relationship with Soundkeeper).  Since some potential new board members decided against joining the Board, Blair has agree to continue to help, but we need to recruit someone else.  John Leness is also due to rotate off, but his term could be extended if the Board approves.  We will discuss Committee assignments at the next Board meeting.
  3. Finance – Karen sent the budget around. Sharon has requested a refund from the Tybee Yacht Club, and will get a credit or partial refund.  The Club has been rebooked for October 7, tentatively, with the hope that we could hold our Docktoberfest there.
  4. Annual meeting. It was estimated that about 156 people dialed in to the April 22 Zoom meeting – impressive attendance!
  5. Sea planes – Peter and John are scheduled to have a discussion with Kenmore by phone next week to discuss safety and business concerns, and to try and get Kenmore and the City to drop their request for a dedicated runway down the middle of lake, to be patrolled by the Harbor Police. The group is trying to get the Port of Seattle, Dept of Natural Resources, and the City to allocate a location on Elliott Bay where they could land on summer afternoons, when Lake Union is at its busiest.  There was discussion of the many problems with the buoys, e.g., they are confusing to people on rental equipment (kayaks, SUPs).  Kenmore has put up a poster in each rental place telling paddle board renters they need to get out of the way when the buoys blink, and the City has given funds for more clarifying posters.  Kenmore has also just partnered with Harbor Air, which started out with two flights per day and now has increased to four flights per day from Lake Union.  The FHA has contributed funds to the Seaplane Coalition that is dealing with the issue of fair, equitable, and safe use of the lake.   Agreed that we really need an Overall Lake Use Plan.

Next meeting June 3 – Zoom.

Adjourned at 7:53

Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, April, 2020 7:00 PM

Location:  via Zoom

Present: John Leness, Sharon Morken, Blair Robbins, Courtney Cooper, Michael Smith, Peter Erickson, Sarah Morlidge, Karen Mooney, Joan Rosenstock, Janet Williams 

Excused: Tom Campbell, Susan Susor, Elliott Wolff

Guest: Bob Burk (Blair’s husband) 

Meeting called to order via Zoom at approximately 7:00 pm.

  1. Approval of minutes: March (m/s/p). Minutes assumed to be approved. 
  1. Annual meeting on April 22 will still be held, but virtually via Zoom. The meeting will run from 7-7:45, and participants can call in on their computers or by phone. We will present information about needed community upgrade costs of infrastructure projects (replacing pilings, plumbing lines, etc.).  We will also include an update on seaplane issues, Ride the Ducks, Terry Pettus Park, and Portage Bay Park.  We will end with a thanks to outgoing Board members, and introduction of new Board members. Courtney volunteered to have stickers made that can be added to existing flyers about the April 22 meeting.  Peter will ask Tenis Chuck for someone who can speak to their large infrastructure projects, including costs.  John will send the proposed agenda out to all of us by the 8th, and at 7 PM on the 15th there will be a Zoom   run thru (a Zoom-thru?).
  1. There was a proposal to present two recognition awards to two long-time contributors to the floating home community: Sid McFarland and Art Holder.
  1. Update on floatplanes – Peter said the city has submitted an application to DNR and the Army Corps of Engineers for permission to maintain a single line of buoys on Lake Union every summer for five years, giving them time to find another body of water for floatplanes to land. Peter’s main concern is that this takes the pressure off of Kenmore, who is now not answering Peter’s outreaching.
  1. Joan Rosenstock asked for an explanation of why the DNR lease for their dock suddenly doubled. John suggested asking for permission to spread out the payments over the year.  He will draft an item on this for the newsletter.
  1. A note of appreciation will be sent to Jann, since we were unable to fete her in person tonight.

Next meeting is scheduled for May 6, also on Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, March 3, 2020 7:00 PM

Location: Courtney Cooper’s floating home

Present: Janet Williams, John Leness, Sharon Morken, Blair Robbins, Courtney Cooper, Michael Smith, Elliott Wolff

Excused: Susan Susor, Peter Erickson, Sarah Morlidge, Karen Mooney, Joan Rosenstock

Guest: Omar Akkari, Shoreline Street Ends Program Coordinator – with handout

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:20 pm.

Approval of minutes: March (m/s/p). Minutes assumed to be approved.

Shoreline Street Ends Information Session with Omar Akkari – www.seattle.gov/transportation/stuse_stends.htm

Street end issues are handled by the Street Use Division of the Transportation Dept. They are also in charge of street closing, street cafes, etc. Governed by the principles of sustainability and liveability, ensuring the protection of public shoreline water access wherever possible. A map showing all public launch sites will be posted soon. Omar will have an information table at our annual meeting to discuss his division’s goals and answer questions.

Annual meeting is planned for April 22 at the Tyee Yacht Club at 3229 Fairview Ave E. The meeting will run from 6-8:30, the first hour being a social hour. The event will be catered. Tables will be set up to recruit new members to the FHA and volunteers for the floating homes tour in September. We are trying to bring in speakers who could address issues about replacing infrastructure (methods, costs) since many of the docks are aging. At the annual meeting, we also plan to include an update on seaplane issues.

New Board members will be introduced at the annual meeting. We will invite them to come to our April 1 FHA Board meeting.

Next meeting is scheduled for April 1, including happy hour with  new board members at East Lake Bar and Grill.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, February 5, 2020 7:00 PM

Location: Blair’s home

Present: Janet Williams, John Leness, Sharon Morken, Blair Robbins, Sarah Morlidge, Joan Rosenstock, Karen Mooney, Courtney Cooper

Excused: Susan Susor, Peter Erickson, Michael Smith, Elliott Wolff

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:20 pm.

Approval of minutes: January (m/s/p). Minutes approved.

Treasurer report – Budget was sent around and looks fine; tax return is filed.

Seaplanes – The coalition has not been able to raise much money, so the FHA will continue to support this effort. Kenmore is in discussions about docks in Elliott Bay in the summer.

A representative of the 2420 dock contacted John with questions about infrastructure issues and dock upgrades. What are the costs? What should docks be planning for? What financial reserves should a dock have? Courtney’s dock upgraded recently, so she is available to answer questions. The City’s electrical requirements are still up in the air.

Recruiting new Board members – Bob Burke will step up to join the Board. Jack and Mary Beth Quick will take on the Houseboatique from John’s dock. Dave Chappelle will join the Board and take on environmental issues. Blair Robbins, sadly, rotates off the Board.

Annual meeting – We still need a date and location for the annual meeting. The goal is to nail down a venue and date within the next two weeks. Then Sarah will make posters that will be distributed at our next meeting for distribution by Board members to the head of every dock.

Issues for Annual Meeting to be discussed, including the possibility of having a table with vendors for information on dock upgrades.

Elliott Wolff, a member of the membership committee, wants to send out a letter to recruit new members. Sarah gave him a list of floating home street addresses.

Next meeting is scheduled for March 4 at Courtney’s house.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, January 8, 2020 7:00 PM

APPROVED at 2/5/20 board meeting

Location: Janet Williams’ floating home

Present: Janet Williams, John Leness, Sharon Morken, Blair Robbins, Elliott Wolff, Sarah Morlidge Michael Smith, Joan Rosenstock

Excused: Tom Campbell, Susan Susor, Courtney Cooper, Karen Mooney, Peter Erickson

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:15 pm.

Approval of minutes: December (m/s/p). Minutes approved.

Treasurer report – Financials are basically unchanged from last month.  Year-end financials and payroll/business tax returns are being prepared ready for the February board meeting.

Houseboatique – Our thanks to John Leness for making needed repairs to the cottage.  Also, a huge FHA thank you to Blair Robbins, who has profitably managed this for several years but will soon be rotating off the board.  The recent Christmas sale was very successful, and nearly all of the volunteer-made wreaths were sold.  There were also many orders for the cookbook, more of which need to be stocked at the cottage.

New board members – John will make a list of who goes off the Board this year, and we will start recruiting. We need 4-5 new people; still need a VP who may eventually move up to President.

Annual meeting – We still need a date and location for the annual meeting. We will explore the Swedish club again, and April 15, 22, or 29th. 4-10 PM. Elliott Wolff, head of the membership committee, wants to send out a letter to recruit new members.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 5 at Blair’s house.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 9 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, December 4, 2019   7:00 PM 
APPROVED at 1/8/20 board meeting 

Location:  Janet Williams’ floating home

Present: Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, John Leness, Sharon Morken, Blair Robbins, Karen Mooney, Elliott Wolff, Susan Susor

Excused: Tom Campbell, Sarah Morlidge, Michael Smith, Joan Rosenstock, Courtney Cooper

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:15 pm.

Approval of minutes: November (m/s/p).  Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s report – No expenses last month.  Karen will submit a final budget at next month’s meeting.  Karen has asked for another board member to review her accounting; John Leness agreed to do so.

Brief discussion of the tour next September –  Still planned for both sides of the lake, with electric boats doing the transporting across the lake.  Sharon mentioned admission price possibilities, such as charging extra for an early bird entrance.  Probably tourists will be given a specific time, so we can spread out the crowds.

“Docktoberfest” – discussion about possibly planning for later this year.  Karen will ask about the availability of the Argosy boat called Champagne Lady.  Later discussion leaned toward using this boat to recruit new board members.

Terry Pettus Park – John emailed Alex Petersen, the city council representative of that area because the council meeting this past week discussed getting the city to buy Pettus Park.

Floatplanes – the Seaplane Environmental Coalition (SEC) has a web site (saveLakeUnion.com) that depicts a runway down the center of the lake, which was one of Kenmore’s proposals.  Peter and John met with Kenmore and discussed problematic issues laid out on the website.  Kenmore had also asked the Harbor Police to patrol the buoys marking the runway, and the SEC stated that Kenmore should patrol the single line of buoys themselves.  Other problems discussed include the lack of visibility of the buoys, especially in daylight, and the need to educate all users of the lake about the purpose of the buoys.  The SEC is trying to get a lake use plan agreed upon by all the stakeholders, and then it will be presented to the city.  If the city will not deal with it, the state will be approached.

Houseboatique – notices have been posted about the Houseboatique on Sunday, December 8 from 10-4.  An E-alert will also be sent out just before the event.  Wreaths will be available for sale for the first time ($35-55).

Electrical code – No news.

Next meeting is scheduled for January 8 at Karen Mooney’s (2466 Westlake Ave N, #6)

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, November 6, 2019, 7:00 PM  

APPROVED at 12/4/19 board meeting 

Location:  Courtney Coopers’ houseboat  

Present: Peter Erickson, Janet Williams, Sarah Morlidge, John Leness, Courtney Cooper, Sharon Morken, Michael Smith, Joan Rosenstock

Excused: Tom Campbell, Elliott Wolff, Susan Susor, Blair Robbins, Karen Mooney

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:05 pm.

Approval of minutes: October (m/s/p).  Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Submitted by Karen, and noted.  In December, we need to look at the budget for next year.
Kenmore:  Discussed the issue of Kenmore’s recent letter to City Council requesting a dedicated runway down the center of Lake Union.  Peter is heading up a group to urge Kenmore and other interested parties into developing a Comprehensive Use Plan for Lake Union before a dedicated runway is considered.  The FHA believes the Lake should be a shared resource, and all the stakeholders should be involved in a public development of a Lake Use Plan.  There is increasing pressure of safety issues for everyone.  Peter’s group, Seaplane Environmental Coalition (SEC) is circulating a petition and has developed a website in support of this effort Savelakeunion.com.  The FHA will also support this effort with a link on our website.
Electrical Code:  There is now an electrical engineer and a contractor working with Peter.  FHA Attorney recommends we push back on SCL and say this code change should be reconsidered because of its cost per household.  Peter’s team will be pushed to find a better (cheaper) solution.  This new requirement may also change with the newly-elected city council members
DNR Lease:  No new news on DNR leases; we are waiting to hear back from them.  DNR is objecting to LULA’s efforts to reclassify house barges.
FHA Tour is planned for 9/13/20 (Sunday after Labor Day) – Courtney and Sharon will co-chair.  Tour will take place in Westlake and Eastlake, with electric boat shuttles across the lake.  Need about 13 houses to agree to be on the tour.  Landings could be at Terry Pettus Park in Eastlake, and the University rowing club, and near the “Sleepless” house in Westlake.  There would also be busses going up Eastlake.
Docktoberfest – Alternative location and date still pending.  (Karen looking into the availability of a large boat.  CWB canceled by Sharon.  No date set for now.
Puget Soundkeepers Salute to the Sound was Oct. 19. Only one Board member attended.
Committees – We need to replace some Board members who are leaving, and fill other vacancies.  Board discussed specific possible recruits and assigned different Board members to ask them.

Next meeting is scheduled for December 4 at Janet Williams’ house.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:29 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Williams, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, October 2, 2019   7:00 PM

Location: Blair Robbins’ houseboat
Present: Peter Erickson, Blair Robbins, Janet Williams, Sarah Morlidge, John Leness, Courtney Cooper, Karen
Mooney, Sharon Morken, Michael Smith
Excused: Joan Rosenstock, Tom Campbell, Elliott Wolff, Susan Susor

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:05 pm.

Approval of minutes: August (m/s/p). Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report – things are proceeding according to plan.
Seaplanes Update – Kenmore Air sent a letter to the City Council asking for a demarcated landing zone for seaplanes that would be policed by the Harbor Patrol. Peter drafted a response and has given to our attorney.  The Seaplane Environmental Coalition has been reactivated by Peter E.  The FHA is clear that we have no interest in eliminating seaplanes.  However, we see this as a health and safety issue and want to limit the expansion and dominance of seaplanes on Lake Union so that everyone can safely use the lake.  Issues to be discussed include capping the number of flights per day, requiring quieter aircraft within ten years, eliminating Beaver aircraft, and not designating a runway down the middle of the lake.  Our goal is to prevent an increase in the impact of seaplanes on the lake.  Other interested parties would like to be involved in this effort, such as US Seafoods and Lake Union Dry Dock.  FHA will also engage the Dock Dodge crowd and the yachting crowd, as well as SUP and kayak rental places and rowing clubs.  The FHA agreed to pay for legal help on this issue.
DNR Lease –   We are in final phases of the development of DNR contracts.  We have not yet been able to get a copy of their operating manual.
Puget Soundkeepers Salute to the Sound – Oct. 19. Janet will survey the Board to try and fill our 8-person table.  So far we have Janet, Sharon (who will add a +1 if necessary), Courtney, and Karen will go if necessary.  If other FHA residents would like to go, they should contact Janet at jbwwny@gmail.com.  (First come, first served.)
Committees – reserved for a discussion at our next meeting. Courtney has agreed to head up the tour next summer.  Committee members and their terms are listed on our website.  Blair comes off, and names were tossed around for recruitment.

The next meeting is scheduled for November 6 at Courtney’s. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:29 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

Wednesday, June 12, 2019   7:00 PM 

Location:  Peter Erickson’s home

Present: John Leness, Karen Mooney, Peter Erickson, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor, Joan Rosenstock. Janet Williams, Sarah Morlidge

Excused: Tom Campbell, Sharon Morken, Elliott Wolff, Courtney Cooper, Michael Smith

Invited speaker: Cathy Tuttle for City Council D4 

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:08 pm.

  1. Group discussion with Cathy Tuttle, who is running for City Council. We mentioned our concern about funding for the Harbor Patrol.  The Lake is more and more crowded, with probably less and less experienced boaters.  John also brought up the developing issue with the fire department, and DCI randomly deciding that any new floating home must have a sprinkler system if it is more than 200 ft from a hydrant. Ride the Ducks issue was summarized for Cathy. The property has been sold to US Seafoods. They will sell the shoreside strip, and if the community (with the Parks Dept chipping in substantially) can buy this piece, it will be donated to the City to expand Terry Pettus Park. Cathy described the make-up of the City Council.  Major issues include homelessness (most homeless people are from Seattle, major mental health and drug use issues.  We need housing and wraparound services. She asked if we could help her get onto the individual docks (since they are private) to talk to homeowners.  She also can accept democracy vouchers.
  2. Approval of minutes: May (m/s/p). Minutes approved.
  3. There is a new issue with underwater outriggers used to stabilize some floating homes, which ground out when the lake gets too low. Apparently one of the dive companies is recommending these outriggers, and we have been asked for our opinion by a private citizen.  It was noted that we are against the idea of these outriggers, especially because they could interfere with a slip space.
  4. We’ve been working with DNR for a new lease form, but DNR is trying to make it one size fits all, so that is slowing things up.
  5. Floatplanes – flights have increased from 40 in 1989 to over 100/day now, resulting in a major safety issue.  We like the floatplanes and want them to continue to use the lake, but we want to limit the number of them.  Also, they should go through the master planning and environmental application process. There are also problems with the lighted buoys: in the daytime, you can’t tell if they are on, and when you do know they are on, there is no clear rule about what to do.
  6. Peter Erickson continues to have an ongoing dialogue with City Light about wiring elec. conduits, and moving meters onto land. By the end of July we will have an estimate from City Light about the cost per house to do this rewiring.
  7. Discussion of noise violations. Ex: Since the HIYU is zoned commercial, it should not hold parties while it is tied to the dock.  DCI should regulate this.  There is a noise violation if you can hear the noise from 75 feet away.
  8. Agreement to reprint the two wildlife handouts from PAWS in the FHA newsletter to try and discourage people on the lake from feeding the wildlife (beavers, otters, ducks, geese, etc.).
  9. Treasury –no report today. A 501c3 has been set up in anticipation of purchasing the strip of land for Pettus Park.
  10. FHA has hired Darby DuComb as our new counsel.

Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for AUGUST 21 at Janet Williams’ home. Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:25 p.m.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019   7:00 PM  

Location:  Susan Susor’s home 

Present:  John Leness, Peter EricksonTom CampbellKaren Mooney, Michael Smith, Blair RobbinsJoan RosenstockSusan SusorElliott WolffSharon MorkenJanet Williams  

Excused: Courtney Cooper, Sarah Morlidge 

Invited guest: Harbor Patrol Sergeant Hastings  

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:00 pm.  

  • Approval of minutes: March (m/s/p).
  • Treasurer’s Report  Budget is on track as proposed.
  • Harbor Patrol Sergeant Hastings described the growing financial constraints of the Harbor Patrol, and their looming personnel crisis due to upcoming retirements and lack of recruitment resources. Training of new officers requires two years for an officer to function on the HP as fully independent, and law enforcement registrations have dropped more than many other professions. Their specialized equipment should be serviced every year, but this year the purchase orders for that maintenance have not yet been approved, and the equipment needs to be serviced before the summer when it is constantly used.  Unfortunately, newly-elected administrations are looking to cut money, despite the fact that the HP has the only 24/7 marine unit in the state.
  • Re: Lighted buoys on Lake Union.  These buoys were initially supported with a Federal grant from the FAA.  Kenmore Air never intended to close off a section of water for a restricted landing zone, so this enables their pilots to trip the lights when they can’t be sure they have a clear landing place. These lighted buoys have to be renewed each year, but have now been approved.  They will go in on Memorial Day and come out of the water on Labor Day. Kenmore Air doesn’t fly on Tuesday nights in the summer because of Duck Dodge, and they will not land on Lake Union on July 4.  A few reminders for the public:  
    • Renters of electric boats are not allowed to be outside the boat (e.g., swimming) 
    • Boaters are legally responsible for their wake.  Although HP cannot issue tickets for too-big wakes, they can issue tickets for speeding. 
    • People are allowed to swim up to 25 feet off houseboats. 
    • Paddle boarders are required to have life jackets and whistles with them. 
    • On Opening Day night (May 3 from about 7-8 PM), the Montlake Cut will be closed for an hour. 
    • In an emergency, 911 should be called, but also the Harbor Patrol (206-684-4071).  Be prepared to describe the location to the HP (e.g., Portage Bay, blue house with a two-story slide into the lake).
  • Alex Pederson, who is running for City Council, will attend the May FHA Board meeting.
  • Lake Union Ferry – John met withthe ownerAlthough he has made some progress in securing dock space, it will be at least a year or two before a possible start.
  • Terry Pettus Park – The Ducks ramp was sold to US Seafoods; closing is imminent.TheParks Dept estimates 2-3 years to renovate Terry Pettus Park.  The Parks Dept has offered to pay $300,000 to purchase the park, if the community can raise an equal amount.  The FHA effort is being led by Peter Erickson, and this will be discussed at our annual meeting.  Fundraising is being planned.
  • FHA Annual Meeting – This will be held on Thursday, April 18 at the Swedish Club at 1920 Dexter Ave N, from 6-9.  The club is setting up chairs and tables for us, and they clean up at the end.  Susan Susor is in charge of food, and plans to serve Swedish meatballs and rice. To get to the parking lot, go north on Dexter.  There are two entrances to the lot just south of building.  There are 14 spots at the north entrance; we are reserving them for people hauling food or handicapped.  Lots of parking just past the building on Newton St. Just past the bldg. on side street (Newton) and across Dexter.  Volunteers needed for help plating and transporting; need to be there at 4:30. Jann needs two people to take signups at the door.  We also need a couple of rice cookers. 
  • Agreed to continue our yearly donation to PugetSoundkeepers for their Marine Debris program.

Karen Mooney agreed to host the next board meeting on May 1 .  

Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,  

Janet Williams, Secretary

Wednesday, March 6, 2019   7:00 PM

Location:  Blair Robbins home

Present:  John Leness, Peter Erickson, Tom Campbell, Karen Mooney, Michael Smith, Blair Robbins, Joan Rosenstock, Susan Susor, and Courtney Cooper

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:10 pm

1.    Approval of minutes: January (m/s/p).

2.    Treasurer’s Report – Karen distributed current financials showing expenditures for 2019 to date versus budget.

3. John and Peter then reported the activity surrounding the potential purchase of the property adjacent to Terry Pettus Park, and the opportunity to expand the park.  The board discussed the opportunity, concluding that FHA should join other groups to support this effort.  Peter agreed to work on a statement in support based on the draft he had previously circulated.

4. The board then discussed the location for the annual meeting.  Susan and Tom reported their visits to different sites.  The board concluded that the Swedish Club would be a good location and agreed that since the club was booked for April 17, the date discussed at the last meeting, that it would be okay to move the meeting to the 18th.  Tom agreed to check the cost of renting the space, to confirm it was not too expensive.

5. John reported that Jann had sent him a mail noting that the office needed some cleaning.  John reported that he planned to visit the office over the weekend and assess what cleanup might be necessary.

6. Joan reported that she had been in touch with Harbor Patrol, and they were interested in attending a board meeting.  The board agreed to invite them to attend the April 3 board meeting, as well as the annual meeting.

Susan agreed to host the next board meeting on April 3.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Williams, Secretary

Wednesday, February 6, 2019, 7:00 pm

Location:  John Leness’ home

Attendees: John Leness, Blair Robbins, Sarah Morlidge, Elliott Wolf, Susan Susor, Mike Smith, Joan Rosenstock, Tom Campbell, Janet Williams

Excused: Jann McFarland, Karen Mooney, Peter Erickson, Ranaan Schnitzer, Sharon Morken, Courtney Cooper

Guests: Wren McNally, MariLyn Kim from Fairview Avenue North Bridge Replacement Project

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:15 pm

1.     Approval of minutes: January (m/s/p).

2.     Treasurer’s Report

3.     Update on Fairview Avenue North Bridge Replacement Project – introductions all around.  Wren McNally is on the outreach team, responsible for external communication and weekly construction updates.  MariLyn is the project manager for SDOT.  A slide set was handed out (and put on line).

There are two bridges in this location, one timber and one concrete.  The timber one needs replacement badly, and it will be more cost-effective to replace both at same time.  Construction will begin spring 2019, with full construction expected to last 19 months.  The existing bridge will be closed during construction in order to limit the night work.  The new bridge will be wider (8-10 feet) to accommodate a two-lane bike paths and a new lane for walkers.  There will no longer be stairs at the south end of the bridge; stairs will remain at the north end.  There will be three viewing areas (belvederes) on the bridge. The kayak launch will stay.

During construction, a 2-foot sand layer will be added to keep sediments in place and turbidity curtains will be added to contain the construction zone debris from contaminating the nearby water.  (There is some existing contamination from old steam and electrical plants nearby.) The new bridge foundation will be built with drilled shafts.

The traffic detour will probably start at least three months from now.  Efforts will be made to limit Aloha to local traffic and others will be asked to find a new route to upper Fairview.  The floating walkway will be gone during the construction so foot traffic (including runners) will need to go on Aloha. Interested homeowners are encouraged to sign up for project updates, and these will continue to be provided through the FHA.

4.     Amalia (FHA lawyer) will leave to take a job as Deputy Supervisor for Aquatics and Geology for DNR.  She will be in charge of all of our DNR leases so she will have to recuse herself from work on FHA leases.  She can continue to consult with us but can no longer represent us.

5.     Board membership:  we currently have 7 representatives on Eastlake, 5 on Portage Bay, and only 2 from Westlake.  We would like at least one more from the Westlake/Northlake area.  One officer seat (for VP) is still open; this is the person in charge of Board recruitment.

6.     Annual meeting.  Scheduled for April 17.  We still need a location.  Suggestions to explore College Club, TOPS School (Can we serve alcohol there? Is there a kitchen? Tom suggested this)  Adobe in Fremont? (Sarah suggested this). Fred Hutch (Susan suggested this). Grand Central Bakery (Susan suggested this and will follow up with Ann Bessetti)

7.     Harbor Patrol – They were around a lot in small boats this past summer, and told Tom they had been funded for this extra activity by the Department of Fish and Wildlife?  This summer there will be a new park on Portage Bay with sand beach, which will probably be an attractive nuisance.  This led to a discussion about our needing more contact with HP, so Joan will invite Sergeant Yamamoto to one of our meetings.

8.     Kenmore Air issues.  Still no known evaluation of last summer’s experimental row of landing lights.

Next meeting March 6 at Blair’s house.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Williams, Secretary

Wednesday, December 5, 2018, 7:00 pm  

Location: Karen Mooney’s home  

Attendees: Karen Mooney, John Leness, Courtney Cooper, Peter Erickson, Blair Robbins, Sarah Morlidge, Mike Smith, Janet Williams  

Guest: Dave Stroble (Lake Union Ferry Co.; left after discussion)  

Excused: Susan Susor, Tom Campbell, Sharon Morken, Elliott Wolf, Joan Rosenstock, Jann McFarland, Ranaan Schnitzer   

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:05 pm  

  1. Approval of minutes: November (m/s/p) 
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Lake Union Ferry (LUF)  – Proposal for a commuter serviceto connect SLU to Fremont and the University.  (A website will be up in a couple of months.)   It’s modeled after a ferry service on the small False Creek, a saltwater river in Vancouver.  Recently got a permit from State Transportation, and are now working on terminal and boat design.  Unlike Vancouver, all the boats here will be electric. There will be two routes: from SLU to Fremont and Portage Bay, with 3 boats on each route.  Each boat will fit 30 people and 10 bikes.  Each trip will take about 10-11 mins.  $5 each way/trip.  Wheelchair access.
  1. 3138 Fairview East– Proposal to build a 5-story building on Fairview.  It’s not in the mandate of FHA to get involved in such projects.   
  1. Fire sprinklers – See last month’s minutes.  FHA is looking to start a dialog with Seattle Fire Dept.
  1. City Light – City Light will meet with Peter Erickson and Justin Geary (QA electric) regarding proposed changes to electrical code.

Next meeting January 2 at Peter Erickson’s house.  

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:40 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018 7:00 pm 

LocationSarah Morlidge’s home

Attendees: Tom Campbell, Courtney Cooper, John Leness, Sharon Morken, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Joan Rosenstock, Mike Smith, Janet Williams

Guest: Amalia Walton 

Excused: Peter Erickson, Jann McFarland, Karen Mooney, Ranaan Schnitzer, Susan Susor, Elliott Wolf 

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:15 pm

1. Treasurer’s Report (submitted by email from Karen)

2. DNR Status: Amalia and John have been reviewing the actual language in the DNR lease template.

a)    DNR wants a single format for all Floating Homes Over Water, so the template is drafted for all floating house leases statewide.  Some clauses that may not apply in Lake Union/Portage Bay may apply in other areas of the state

b)     The template is drafted for all varieties of floating structures, from the traditional houses on floats to house barges to former vessels that have been retrofitted to serve primarily as a residence. (Some of the shallow water rules don’t apply to FH; because all the DNR territory is in deep water, most of the rules apply only to the outer homes on docks, maybe the deepest 10-15 homes.) There may be clauses that do not apply to one type of structure, but may be included for a different type of structure.  Their applicability will be determined on a case-by-case basis in discussion with the land manager during the individual lease negotiations.

3.Tour – The tour was very successful. Kudos to Tom Campbell & Team on such a well-run event.

4. Docktoberfest – confirmed for October 18, 6-9 PM at the Center for Wooden Boats. Oompah music is secured; still need a food arrangement.

5. Approval of minutes: September (m/s/p)

6. The Puget Soundkeeper annual fundraise dinner is Sat., October 27 from 5:30-9:30PM (115 Bell St.).

7. The Virginia V is still coming too close to floating homes. Courtney is going to a meeting to address this issue.

8.The issue of noise from the Islander and other tour boats that come back to Lake Union late at night was discussed.

Next meeting November 7 at John Leness’ house.  Be careful on the stairs.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 9 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Janet Williams, Secretary

Wednesday, September 5, 2018 7:00 pm 

Location: Blair Robbins’ home

Attendees: Tom Campbell, Maggie Chon, Courtney Cooper, Peter Erickson, John Leness, Karen Mooney, Sharon Morken, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Mike Smith, Susan Susor, Janet Williams

Excused: Jann McFarland, Joan Rosenstock, Ranaan Schnitzer, Elliott Wolf

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:06 p.m.

  1. Approval of minutes: July (m/s/p).
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Karen Mooney passed out a report that shows that we have money and all bills are paid through today.
  3. Insurance for Tour: Hard copies will be sent to Tom Campbell. Cost = $350.
  4. DNR Status: Amalia has also been acting as counsel for the organization taking care of orcas.)
  5. Seaplanes: When they originally cut the grand zoning bargain, Kenmore sneaked in a provision at the end to say that City Council could control the number of flights. Seattle’s Office of Economic Development got the city council and the mayor on board.
  6. Steady Floats: There is an outfit building house barges. With some kind of loophole, if they de-commission the engines, they can become FLOWRs (Floating On Water Residences).  Courtney called the builder (Daniel Lostrom) out on his claim that “you’d be crazy to build on logs.”  He has asked to be part of this group and we have said no.  John asked if there is a way to go to the MLS and have a convention regarding the differences between a floating home and a FLOWR structure.  Courtney says that she’s tried a few times but they haven’t changed it.  She draws the line at when they do not have a slip.
  7. Mayor’s Visit: Peter thinks that if we schedule it far enough in advance (November meeting) and schedule it for the end of their day, we have the best shot at getting our issues addressed.
  8. No Wake/Safety Committee/Virginia V: Karen noticed that the issue is worse recently with ski boats (wake boarders) – she talked with Harbor Patrol and they basically told her that they do not ticket. Janet mentioned that Harbor Patrol asked whether the FHA is affiliated with the No Wake guy.
  9. Commercial water rates: Sarah asked if we ever got an answer.  Amalia got back a partial but not full answer.
  10. Minimum width between floating homes: 6 feet float to float and 10 feet wall to wall. DCI’s jurisdiction.
  11. Rentals (including short-term rentals): if you are zoned commercial, you can do it (like some docks under the university dock). If you are a coop organization, then it should be written into the by-laws for the dock.  Peter’s dock has debated this and decided: one month minimum and only once a year.
  12. Tour Updates:
    • Tom Campbell had great news: tickets are almost sold out; Alki gets 54. Jules mailed out the tix. 600 will-call tickets will be set up in the parking lot across the street from the 2019 dock; there will be parking there.
    • Volunteer numbers: Sharon reported that she has potentially 22 super-volunteers that will work the whole shift. She has 75 regular volunteers that are also doing a shift. Ten owners of 8 homes will be present.  There has been lots of churn among the volunteers (cancellations, changes). Houses will be open at 10 for the super-volunteers.
    • Setting up in the parking lot will start from the south and go up; should be up to Mallard Cove by 10 to 10:15. Will-call will open at 11:15-11:30.
    • Blair showed off the new things for sale at the Houseboatique. Blair pretty much has the cottage organized.  Tom will do the exterior clean-up sometime before the tour.
    • Sharon mentioned that there is no ramp for the featured home; John has a neighbor Jack Quick who can build a temporary ramp that can go into the house that doesn’t involve putting screws in anything.
    • Tickets: Courtney passed out tickets to the board members.
  1. Other Updates 

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:52 p.m. Next meeting on Wednesday, October 3 at Sarah Morlidge’s. 

Respectfully submitted, Margaret Chon, Secretary

Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 7:00pm 


LocationPeter Erickson’s home

Attendees: Tom Campbell, Maggie Chon, Courtney Cooper, Peter Erickson, John Leness, Karen Mooney, Sharon Morken, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Mike Smith, Susan Susor, Janet Williams

Excused: Erik Johnson, Jann McFarland, Joan Rosenstock, Ranaan Schnitzer,  Elliott Wolf

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:06 p.m.

  1. Approval of minutes: May (m/s/p); June (m/s/p).
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Karen Mooney passed out the report. Budget is holding steady. Karen will make sure we’re covered by insurance for the tour, but wants to make sure the coverage is adequate.
  3. UW Dock Update: The university has said to the university dock residents that the university wants the houses for visiting faculty.Susan Susor reported that the UW says the dock is zoned as commercial, not sfh (water-dependent floating home). Karen Mooney discussed PR, which her firm specializes in (social good only).
  4. Tour Updates: Tom Campbell led a general discussion of details of upcoming tour (Sunday, September 9 from noon to 5), including ticket sales, photography, sponsors, and volunteers.
  5. Other Updates:
    • Seattle Night Out = August 7. Tom Campbell mentioned that the FHA will sponsor free keg of beer again for participating docks.  Janet Williams said that her dock organized a party for the first time last year, and Harbor Patrol attended.
    • Float plane issues: up to 30K flights/year. Brigitte Erickson (Peter’s spouse) is on the committee. 

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:35 p.m. Next meeting on Wednesday, August 8 at Tom’s dock (Willow Cove).

Next Board Meeting is September 5 @ Blair’s; resume meeting first week of each month.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Chon, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, June 20, 2018, 7:00 pm

Location: John Leness’s home

Attendees: Tom Campbell, Maggie Chon, Courtney Cooper, Peter Erickson, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Susan Susor [no quorum]

Excused: Erik Johnson, Jann McFarland, Karen Mooney, Sharon Morken, Blair Robbins, Joan Rosenstock, Ranaan Schnitzer, Butch Smith, Janet Williams, Elliott Wolf

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:20 p.m.

1. Approval of minutes: John Leness will send May minutes to Maggie Chon, and both May and June minutes will be approved at July board meeting.

2. Treasurer’s Report: John printed out Karen Mooney’s report (sent by e-mail earlier to the board) and noted that she also provided a copy of the bank statement for internal controls.

3. DNR Update: Meeting on June 13@ TOPS

John reported that the meeting went well. The calculation of rents is complex and governed by statute. In general, there is a huge jump every 4th year (all other years are tagged to CPI, and therefore no large jumps). DNR had a great slide deck, which Sarah Morlidge will send around by eAlert. About 10-15 people attended the meeting.

4. Community Outreach

a. Seattle Night Out is on Tuesday, August 7. Tom Campbell announced that the FHA will again support local floating home nights out, including beer kegs.

b. Sarah Morlidge to send out notices of same.

5. Tour Update

The bulk of the meeting was devoted to an update on the tour planning, including the confirmed houses, photographs, theme, deadlines, and volunteers.

6. Other Updates:

a. Ducks: John reports that it currently looks like it is going forward.

b. Ferry: John also reported that the Hayu may get dock rights in S. Lake Union.

c. Harbor Patrol: boats are going faster this year. Call them if there are issues with wake; they will take care of it.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:09 p.m.

Next meeting on Wednesday, July 11 at Peter Erickson’s house.

Respectfully submitted, Margaret Chon, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, May 2, 2018 7:00 pm

Location: Karen Mooney’s home

Attendees: Tom Campbell, Peter Erickson, John Leness, Karen Mooney, Blair Robbins, Joan Rosenstock, Janet Williams, Elliott Wolf

Excused: Margaret Chon, Courtney, Cooper, Erik Johnson, Jann McFarland, Sharon Morken, Sarah Morlidge, Ranaan Schnitzer, Butch Smith

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:05 p.m.

1. Welcome. John Leness thanked everyone for helping at Annual Meeting and distributed the meeting agenda. Karen Mooney distributed financial statements.

2. Approval of Minutes. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the prior April meeting, which Maggie Chon had distributed prior to the meeting, were approved. m/s/p

3. Election of Treasurer. John explained that the President, Vice President and Secretary were elected at the annual meeting, but the bylaws called for the election of the Treasurer by the Board, Upon motion duly made and seconded Karen Mooney was elected. m/s/p

4. Treasurer’s Report. Karen Mooney reported that the bank signatories had been updated earlier that day. She reported that the financial were now loaded onto Quickbooks and much of the bill payments were now online. In light of that, she circulated the most recent bank statements for the board to review.

5. City Light Update. Peter Erickson reported that he was scheduled to meet again with City Light in two weeks to try to reduce the cost associated with their proposed electrical upgrades.

6. SPU “Commercial” Billing Rates. John reported that he had been in touch with SPU in connection with the reports from several docks that

they were receiving water bills at commercial rates. SPU has acknowledged that the rates are set by city code and that there is a specific rate for houseboats in the code, which they deem commercial. We need to look at rates being charged to confirm that, even if called commercial, they are the proper rates.

7. Ducks Update. John Leness and Blair Robbins reported that, in connection with the Ducks’ request for an extension of their permit, DCI has suggested that the Ducks now need to conform with the updated stormwater code and include a station to wash the Ducks undercarriage before they enter the lake. We are watching this development, as it adds a significant cost for the Duck project.

8. Tour Update. John thanked Tom Campbell for distributing the tour committee minutes. Tom updated the status, reporting, among other things, that we still need more houses. The board discussed offering tour tickets to city council.

9. University Dock. The Board discussed supporting the residents of the University Dock in their negotiation with the University of Washington, concluding that FHA should support the residents. The Board discussed at length the benefits that a public relations firm could provide.

10. DNR Update. John reported that Amalia Walton had gotten the final language to DNR, and he was working with her to get the next meetings with DNR scheduled, as discussed at the annual meeting.

11. Lake Union Runway Update. John reported that the current plan was for a single line of buoys to be installed around Memorial Day and be left in during the summer as a test. The Board discussed means of getting comments and feedback on the buoys.

12. June Meetings. The tour committee is planning to meet on June 6 for an hour, before the regular meeting. John may not be back in Seattle in time for the June 6 meeting.

Submitted by John Leness, President In lieu of Margaret Chon, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 7:00 pm

APPROVED at May 2018 board meeting for posting on the FHA website

Location: Janet Williams’s home

Attendees: Tom Campbell, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Peter Erickson, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Erik Johnson, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor, Janet Williams

Excused: Courtney Cooper, Sue Jostrom, Jann McFarland, Ranaan Schnitzer, Elliott Wolf

Guests: Karen Mooney, Sharon Morken, Butch Smith

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:07 p.m.

1. Approval of minutes: March minutes: m/s/p

2. Treasurer’s Report: Tom Hesselbrock distributed the monthly financial report for the last time as Treasurer. In two weeks (after the Annual General Meeting vote), we’ll be transitioning to Karen Mooney as FHA Treasurer.

3. Annual Meeting: April 18 at Lake WA rowing club


a. Vote for new board members and officers.

b. Quick pitch for tour volunteers at the outset with sign-up (led by Tom Campbell, chair of community outreach and events.).

c. Brief communications pitch (led by Sarah Morlidge, chair of communications).

d. Harbor Patrol report.


f. Derrick Toba from DNR will do a PowerPoint presentation on DNR leases; this will likely take up most of the time. John Leness (President) and Amalia Walton (former President and current FHA lobbyist) have spent a lot of time working with Derrick to hammer out a generic lease form. John is hoping that Derrick will

bring Tara Wilson and other land managers with him, so people can meet them face to face.

4. Tour 2018:

Sharon Morken is the tour volunteer coordinator. Aiming for 12 houses total on Eastlake. Hours of the tour = 12-5 p.m. The FHA Office will be open. Susan Susor is shooting for $15K in sponsorships.

5. Committees

a. Environmental: Dave Chappelle (chair, environmental) raised the issue of billing on the water/sewer bill. Q: Should docks be charged at a commercial rate or residential rate? The question is whether all the docks are getting a charge increase, or just some. The board decided to ask around informally.

b. City Light: Peter Erickson (member, legislative) reported that City Light talked to someone at City Council, who felt that the floating home community did not qualify for the subsidized loan. The City charter limits loan period to ten years.

c. Portage Bay Park: Construction is starting this year and will be done by 2019. The City will be having a naming contest.

d. The Ducks: Blair Robbins is still keeping an eye on the construction of the new ramp.

6. Goodbyes: Dave Chappelle stated that he and Tom Hesselbrock entered at a very different time five years ago; the board has made considerable progress since then, despite initial fears about term limits.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:09 p.m.

Next meeting on Wednesday, May 2 at Karen Mooney’s house.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Chon, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, February 7, 2018 7:00 pm

APPROVED at April 2018 board meeting

Location: Susan Susor’s

Attendees: Tom Campbell, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Courtney Cooper, Peter Erickson, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Sue Jostrom, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Ranaan Schnitzer, Susan Susor, Janet Williams Excused: Courtney Cooper, Jann McFarland, Elliott Wolf Guests: Karen Mooney, Sharon Morken, Derrick Toba, Amalia Walton

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:02 p.m.

Introduction of new board  embers: Karen Mooney and Sharon Morken were in attendance. Butch Smith and Joan Rosenstock not present. Sue Jostrom reported that she is still looking for one additional board member, preferably from Eastlake.

Derrick Toba’s presentation: Derrick, who is Assistant Division Manager at the DNR, showed a PowerPoint, which he also plans to

show at the Annual Meeting. This included details on the proposed leasing application process. He also plans to schedule follow-up meetings after  the AGM.

Community Building and Events Committee: Tour : Tom Campbell (Chair) suggested changing the location to Eastlake. The board

discussed the issues with Westlake, which is the construction work on the Aurora Bridge this summer; the work will take 2 years.

Date for the tour is set for September 9. Next planning meeting is Wednesday, March 21 @ Tom Campbell’s.

Annual Meeting: We have reserved April 18 at the Lake Washington Rowing Club from 6-9. The board discussed several topics

for the AGM, including DNR leases, Harbor Patrol, solicitation for volunteers for the tour; Soundkeepers, Bridge (WA DOT). Sarah Morlidge will talk about communications.

Approval of minutes:February minutes:m/s/p

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) distributed and discussed the monthly financial report. It shows that we are in good shape prior to anticipated spending for the tour.


Legislative/City Light:Peter Erickson (member) reported that last October, he gave them an estimate of $4 million for 400 houseboats. City has access to sources of low interest loans but hasn’t done much since then.

History & Archiving: Susan Susor (member) has started going through the historical material and found out that Marilyn Robertson has been talking to the UW and MOHAI about it. Karen Mooney suggested that Dave Galven might be a good person to help with this stuff; he’s been living on a floating home for many years.

Communications: Sarah Morlidge (chair) reported that Google Analytics is set up on the website. It shows 205 unique users in one week. She also discussed other metrics regarding e-Alerts: a pretty high number of people open the messages.

Membership Development: Sarah Morlidge (member) received the float numbers and KCA numbers and parcel numbers from the City; the City is not updating the ownership info. So Sarah plans to cross-reference that info with info that Jann McFarland and Sarah have been updating.

Miscellaneous: Got an e-mail from Dixie Pinkler about a plaque to put on a tree in Terry Pettus park.

The Ducks:Blair Robbins said that after the Ducks were approved, they had three years to construct and haven’t started construction.

Oil Spill on Portage Bay: Susan Susor reported that the UW was fueling a boat and the pipe broke. There was a fuel spill of approximately 100-150 gallons, which affected their dock. There is a protocol that involves standby people watching and a spill response; if not in place, they get fined. If there is a slow response, the Soundkeepers can be called in to document.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8: 47 p.m. Next meeting on Wednesday, April 4 at Janet Williams’s house.

Minutes – Wednesday, February 7, 2018 7:00 pm

Location: Erik Johnson’s

Attendees: Tom Campbell, Maggie Chon, Courtney Cooper, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, John Leness, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor, Janet Williams, Elliott Wolf

Excused: Dave Chappelle, Courtney Cooper, Peter Erickson, Sue Jostrom Jann McFarland, Sarah Morlidge, Ranaan Schnitzer

Guests: Karen Mooney

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:10 p.m.

1. Minutes: December and January minutes: m/s/p

2. Treasurer’s Report: Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) reported on the final 2017 report and there are no issues. Tom also requested that the board pass a resolution to close an account that had been used to process credit card payments for Houseboatique, since we no longer use it. m/s/p.

3. Follow-up from Derrick Toba of DNR: Derrick is eager to have a roll-out at the annual meeting, and to be in a position by July 1 to roll out new agreements. John Leness (President) and Amalia Walton (former President and current lobbyist) have discussed choosing a test dock and putting it through the process to test everything. Derrick will attend the March board meeting, to walk us through the lease process.

4. Portage Bay Park: Tom Campbell (Chair, Community Building and Events) asked David Graves at the City who thinks that it will break ground in the spring (likely April). Susan Susor (board member and resident of the University Dock) mentioned that her dock will have their annual meeting with the UW in March; the dock tenants are in discussion with Amalia Walton.

5. Social Committee:

  • Annual Meeting and Tour: John Leness can arrange rental from the Lake Washington Rowing Club. We will aim for Wednesday, April 18.
  • Tour: Tom Campbell circulated a document memorializing the kick-off meeting, held on January 17. Next planning meeting is Thursday, February 22 @ Susan Susor’s.

6. Membership Recruitment: Sue Jostrom (Vice-President) was not present, but some discussion about potential new board members took place.

7. City Light: Peter Erickson (Chair, Legislative Committee) discussed the possibility of inviting the City to our March meeting.

8. Safety and Security: Bill Albert has resigned from the board but John Leness and Bill are willing to continue to go to Harbor Patrol meetings. Maggie Chon (Secretary and member, Safety and Security committee) would like to focus on emergency preparedness in her last year on the board and the committee.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:52 p.m. Next meeting on March 7 at Susan Susor’s house.

MINUTES – Wednesday, January 3, 2018 – 7:00 pm

Location: Maggie Chon’s

Attendees: Tom Campbell, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Peter Erickson, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Ranaan Schnitzer, Susan Susor

Excused: Courtney Cooper, Erik Johnson, Sue Jostrom Jann McFarland, Janet Williams, Elliott Wolf

Guests: Derrick Toba, Pamela Tonglau

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:10 p.m.

1. Discusssion with Derrick Toba of DNR

John Leness (President) introduced Derrick, who has been working with John and Amalia Walton (former President and current lobbyist) to revise the standardized lease. Tara Wilson has been working with the group.

Derrick is the assistant district manager for the Shoreline district – his district does all the leasing and use agreements – it also hs statewide programs, including policy and legislative. Derrick’s staff does all of the lease agreements. For a long time, Lake Union and Portage Bay was under a single land manager. For workload reasons, they recently split it up. Portage Bay and the north part of the lake were assigned to a separate land manager – Jordana Black. Tara Wilson is still the manager for Lake Union. Kaylen Neeler is the land manager for Portage Bay.

He went through a PowerPoint to explain the background and context of DNR’s legislative mandate, its mission, and its current approaches.

After the presentation, John Leness stated that the next step is rolling out the specifics of what the one size fits all lease looks like at the annual meeting. Once it is ready, the plan is to bring Amalia Walton and Derrick back on board to explain the process.

2. Approval of the December minutes delayed until next month.

3. Financial Reports:

Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) gave a very short report on the end of the 2017 year. (Karen Mooney, incoming Treasurer, was not present at this meeting.)

Next month, Tom hopes to have a final 2017 report and close out the budget. As soon as we have all our records, we will do our tax return. We also need to renew our non-profit status.

4. Houseboatique

Blair Robbins (Houseboatique) had an additional Houseboatique day in December and so we are on par with last year in sales. Talks have started with Erik Johnson as to how to make the cottage more like a store when there are sales days. We will have a pop-up store at the annual meeting and the tour.

5. Tour

Tom Campbell (Chair, Community Building and Events) brought a tour binder from the last tour. There are 10-11 committee positions, based on past tours; these are sponsorship, general logistics, social media, PR, home selection, brochure layout, photographer, volunteer coordinator, Brown Paper tickets, finance, and billing. The biggest issue is finding homes. This year, the tour will focus on North Westlake.

6. City Light/Electrical Upgrade

Peter Erickson discussed the possibility of inviting the City to our March meeting.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:52 p.m.

Next meeting on February 7 at Erik Johnson’s house.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Chon, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, December 6, 2017 – 7:00pm

Location: Sue Jostrom’s

Attendees: Bill Albert, Tom Campbell, Peter Erickson, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Erik Johnson, Sue Jostrom, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor, Elliott Wolf

Excused: Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Courtney Cooper, Jann McFarland, Ranaan Schnitzer, Janet Williams

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:10 p.m.

1. Approval of the November minutes and abridged November minutes: (m/s/p: approved) Both full and abridged versions were approved.

2. Financial Reports:

Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) circulated minutes of the Finance Committee meeting. He then reviewed the financial results for 2017. He then discussed the proposed budget for 2018, reviewing those items that were different from 2017. The board discussed membership numbers for 2017. After discussion, the proposed 2018 budget was approved (m/s/p).

3. Houseboatique

Blair Robbins reported the results of the holiday houseboatique sale. She reported that she planned to hold another sale day on the 16th of December. John, Blair and Erik agreed to meet to discuss how best to use the cottage to merchandise items for sale.

4. Committee Charters

Sue Jostrom (Vice President) discussed the final committee assignments and thanked those who had gotten their charters back to her. The Board then discussed recruiting needs to fill expected vacancies.

5. Committee Reports

The Board then discussed ideas for involvement with other community organizations. Tom Campbell agreed to circulate a few ideas.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:10 p.m.

Next meeting on January 3. Respectfully submitted, John Leness for Margaret Chon, Secretary

MINUTES – Wednesday, November 1st, 2017 7:00 pm – FINAL ABRIDGED Version

Location: Blair Robbins’s

Attendees: Bill Albert, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Peter Erickson, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Erik Johnson, Sue Jostrom, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Elliott Wolf

Excused: Courtney Cooper, Jann McFarland, Ranaan Schnitzer, Susan Susor, Janet Williams

Guests: Pat Marukami (candidate for City Council # 9) and staffer; Karen Mooney

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:08 p.m.

1.     Discussion with City Council candidate Pat Marukami: Peter Erickson (Legislative Committee member) summarized Pat’s responses to our questionnaire, and then she conducted a Q & A with the board.

2.     Approval of the October minutes and abridged October minutes: (m/s/p: approved) Both full and abridged versions were approved.

3.     Financial Reports:

Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) distributed the current balance sheet. He next passed around a budget worksheet and pointed out that not much had changed since our last meeting.  He also is trying to schedule a budget committee meeting soon, before the next board meeting.

4.     Committee Assignments

a.     Committee charters: Sue Jostrom (Vice President) followed up on last month’s discussion.  All charters are updated.

b.     The following committee assignments were finalized:

·  Legislative committee (John Leness, chair; Peter Erickson, member)

·  Community Building and Events (Tom Campbell, chair)

·  Communications (Sarah Morlidge, chair)

·  Environmental (Ranaan Schnitzer will be new chair after Dave steps down)

·  Finance (Sue Jostrom is the chair under our rules)

·  History and Archiving (Sue Jostrom asked Courtney Cooper if she would do it; Susan Susor is a member already)

·  Board Development (Sue Jostrom, as part of her VP role)

·  Safety and Security (Bill Albert, chair)

·  Membership: Elliott Wolf volunteered to be chair – he will start it and Karen Mooney (incoming Treasurer) will be a member

·  Houseboatique (Blair Robbins)

5.     Committee Reports:

a.     Houseboatique: Blair plans to hold Houseboatique on Sunday, December 3.  She ordered a small amount of new products.  These include: soup mugs, compression bags, flip calendasr for desks with photos of tiles in the public park, and aprons. Next year’s new items: microfiber cleaners for glasses or computer screens.

b.     Environmental: Dave Chappelle (Environmental Committee chair) reported on the SoundKeepers gala was fun and gave an extended report on the activities of the SoundKeepers this year.

c.      Legislative: John Leness (Legislative Committee chair) stated that nothing has been happening; still waiting for DNR to come back.  City Light issue is still pending.

d.     Communications: Sarah Morlidge (Communications Committee chair) reported that there was an e-mail from a student in Japan who is studying floating home construction.  Sarah was also contacted by a company that provides diving services to floating home members.

e.      Miscellaneous: Charging station discussion.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:25 p.m. Next meeting on December 6 at Sue Jostrom’s house. Respectfully submitted, Margaret Chon, Secretary

MINUTES  Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 7:00pm  

FINAL ABRIDGED VERSION (approved at the November 2017 board meeting) 

Location: Maggie Chon’s

Attendees: Bill Albert, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Tom Hesselbrock, Peter Erickson, Joe Inslee, Erik Johnson, Sue Jostrom, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor, Elliott Wolf

Excused: Courtney Cooper, Jann McFarland, Ranaan Schnitzer, Janet Williams

Guest: Karen Mooney

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:07 p.m.

  1. Approval of the August minutes and abridged August minutes: (m/s/p: approved) Both full and abridged versions were approved.
  2. Introduction of Karen Mooney: Tom Hesselbrock introduced our incoming Treasurer (beginning in April).
  3. Financial Reports:
  • Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) distributed the current balance sheet, which shows we’re in pretty good shape.
  • Tonight starts our budget cycle for 2018.  The suggested 2018 budget was distributed and discussed. After the November meeting, the finance committee meets before December meeting to finalize a budget for final approval by the board in December.
  • Tom highlighted the things that he anticipates will be different next year, for example, the tour.
  1. Committee Assignments – Sue Jostrom (Vice President) distributed the current charters to give to committee chairs to double check, and return to her. 
  2. Environmental and other committee chair replacements – Sue Jostrom announced that Dave Chappelle will be leaving the board so we will need an environmental committee chair. Terms that are over are in April include: Tom H., Dave Chappelle, and Sue Jostrom. The board discussed reviving the Membership committee. Karen Mooney volunteered to be on that committee. 
  3. FHA maintenance person: The board discussed possible options. 
  4. EAlerts: Sarah Morlidge (Chair, Communications Committee) will change the “From” so that the sender will say “Floating Homes” and hopefully more people will read the alerts. We have an average of 40% of people who will open the message, which is pretty good. 
  5. Docktoberfest: Tom Campbell (Chair, Committee Building and Events Committee) reported that this annual event was successful. 
  6. Soundkeepers: Dave Chappelle (Chair, Environmental Committee) mentioned that the Salute for the Sound Gala is coming up on October 28 5:30-9:30 at the Seattle Design Center.    
  7. DNR Lease Update: John Leness (President) updated this issue. He has been working with Amalia Walton (former FHA President and current lobbyist) to review the DNR’s draft model leases.  Not much progress was made over the summer because DNR staff were fighting fires. 
  8. Charging Station: The City put a stop work order on the charging station near the FHA Office
  9. Box of Records: Someone sent John a request for a place to store boxes of records that are not currently stored in the cottage. Susan Susor (member, History and Archiving Committee) volunteered to take care of the records, whatever and wherever they are. 
  10. Cottage: Erik Johnson has been renovating the cottage; deck still needs to be replaced. 
  11. Other: Joe Inslee (member, Environmental Committee) reported that Portage Bay Park now scheduled for completion in 2018.
  12. Electrical Upgrade: Peter Erickson (Member, Legislative Committee) mentioned that City Light needs to know approximately how many floating homeowners will need an upgrade.  Several board members volunteered to make an informal count.
  1. Next tour date: September 9, 2018. Tour committee starts meeting in January monthly.  This year, Tom Campbell (Chair, Community Building and Events Committee) is planning to have it on North Westlake, under the Fremont bridge and possibly Northlake.  The bridge tender’s tour could feature the Fremont Bridge. 

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:36 p.m. Next meeting on November 1 at Blair Robbins’s house.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 7:00pm ABRIDGED VERSION 

Location: Peter Erickson’s

Attendees: Bill Albert, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Courtney Cooper, Tom Hesselbrock, Peter Erickson, Joe Inslee, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Susan Susor

Excused: Eric Johnson, Sue Jostrom, Jann McFarland,  Blair Robbins, Ranaan Schnitzer, Janet Williams, Eliott Wolf

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:07 p.m.

  1. Approval of the June minutes and abridged June minutes: (m/s/p: approved) Both full and abridged versions were approved.
  2. Financial Reports:
  • Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) distributed the current balance sheet.
  • The board discussed bringing on Karen Mooney as the next Treasurer per the by-laws. It decided that Karen be invited to become an at-large member of the finance committee and Tom would begin to work with her on the process until he steps down in April.  (m/s/p: approved)
  • Tom H. also discussed the fact that in the budget process he presents a preliminary proposal in October; then a second round in November to discuss. After the November meeting, the finance committee meets before December meeting to finalize a budget for final approval by the board in December

Upcoming Issues and Committee Reports

Legislative Committee (discussion led by John Leness, President)

      • Ride the Ducks: Update on site.
      • New news: Someone purchased a decommissioned ferry Hayu to turn into a nightclub; it is currently moored near the southernmost dock of the Log Foundation. According to land use folks, it can’t operate a night club while moored there but can load passengers and drive around the lake.
      • DNR Update: Our lobbyist Amalia Walton and John had another meeting with DNR on Wednesday, June 28; it was a page by page flip-through. We are currently waiting for the document back from the DNR.
      • Electricity: Peter Erickson (member, Legislative) had a good discussion with City Light; unfortunately, they want to impose a $10K charge per houseboat. The City has still not finalized what they want from a code standpoint.
      • Cottage: Tom noticed a stop work order at the charging station.
      • DCI: The City sent out notices alerting houseboat owners to the new Tip, 209A effective May. Sarah will put out a notice with some language from John (we got 60 percent of what we asked for during negotiations over the overly broad language and enforcement of previous Tip 209).


  • Aurora Bridge painting: Dave Chappelle (Chair, Environmental) reported that after community input, phase II will look very different from phase I. The community feels like they’re being listened to this time. 
  • 520 Bridge: Joe Inslee (member, Environmental) mentioned that the big issue is the Montlake Market.  May be going to court.

Events: Tom Campbell (Chair, Community Building and Events) announced a date (Thursday, September 28@6) for Docktoberfest at Center for Wooden Boats.

Other: A boating-related death on the lake on Sunday was reported. A reminder that if we hear something, we should let Harbor Patrol know about it. 

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:24 p.m. Next meeting on October 4 at Maggie’s house.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017, 7:00pmFINAL abridged version approved at August 2017 board meeting 

Location: Tom Hesselbrock’s

Attendees: Bill Albert, Tom Campbell, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Tom Hesselbrock, Peter Erickson, Joe Inslee, Eric Johnson, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Ranaan Schnitzer, Susan Susor, Janet Williams, Eliott Wolf

Excused: Dave Chappelle, Courtney Cooper, Sue Jostrom, Jann McFarland

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:06 p.m.

  1. Approval of the May minutes and abridged May minutes: (m/s/p: approved) Both full and abridged versions were approved.
  2. Financial Report:Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) gave a financial report.
  1. Committees:John Leness (President) announced that Tom Campbell (new FHA board member) has agreed to chair the social committee (official name: Community Building and Events). Sarah Morlidge (chair, communications committee) added the new board members to Dropbox, so they can access files including committee charters.
  1. Lake Union Association Meeting:Janet Williams (new board member) attended the last meeting where they talked about several waterways.  Waterway 22 ends at Stone Way and has a deteriorating bulkhead, which will need to be repaired. Bill Albert (chair, safety and security committee) is most concerned about Waterway 20, which is the debris pen.
  1. Upcoming Issues
    1. Legislative Committee
      • Left hand turn onto Fuhrman going north on Eastlake: John Leness asked Ann Preznya (ECC President and floating homes owner) if she has any information about this issue. Apparently the City is still considering eliminating the left turn going north as part of the plan to re-do the transit corridor along Eastlake/Roosevelt.  The back up at rush-hour means that the bridge can’t go up.
      • DNR Update: Amalia Walton (past President and current legal representative) and John are scheduled to meet with DNR on Wednesday, June 28; if anyone wants to sit in, it’s a page by page flip-through.
      • DCI: We have had an issue with Tip 209A. The City is now acknowledging that repairs do not need a permit exemption. John Leness passed out a new document and pointed out the revisions/exemptions from permit requirements, including siding, roofing, doors, or windows.  This revised tip was issued in April 2017 and is effective now.
      • John Leness stated that DNR is in the process of writing a single master document that governs everyone who has aquatic land leases. The other main outstanding legislative issue is with City Light, which Peter (not present tonight) is tracking.
    2. Aurora Bridge painting held last night meeting last night. There is a general public meeting next Tuesday night – three hour meet and greet.
    3. Joe Inslee updated info on Portage Bay Park. The construction dates on the website are May 2017-2018. He also reported on the Puget Soundkeepers  Sweep dates (June 17 = arboretum; July 5 = fireworks cleanups; August 5 = Salmon Bay).
    4. FHA Office Renovation: The board discussed a possible work party for the deck.
    5. Houseboatique: Blair is selling canvas bags with the FHA logo!
    6. Other: Sarah Morlidge said that Amy Woods is collecting info on peoples’ rules and regulations on houseboats (condos, coops, leased). Board discussed that in the old days, there used to be dock captains, and we need to update this information.  Sarah would like this information documented and on a spreadsheet, and would be able to convey the info to other people on the dock. 

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:06 p.m.

Next meeting in July at Peter Erickson’s, Wednesday, July 19.

MINUTES (Abridged Version)

Wednesday, May 3, 2017, 7:00pm 

FINAL (approved at June 2017 board meeting) 

Location: Dave Chappelle’s

Attendees: Bill Albert, Tom Campbell, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Tom Hesselbrock, Peter Erickson, Joe Inslee, Sue Jostrom, John Leness, Blair Robbins, Ranaan Schnitzer, Susan Susor, Janet Williams, Eliott Wolf

Excused: Eric Johnson, Jann McFarland, Sarah Morlidge


Meeting called to order at approximately 7:06 p.m.

  1. Approval of the April minutes and abridged April minutes: (m/s/p: approved) Both full and abridged versions were approved.
  2. Annual Meeting – The board debriefed the meeting.
  1. Election of Treasurer – Officers are elected at the annual meeting, but the board elects the Treasurer. Tom Hesselbrock agreed to stand (m/s/p: Tom elected as Treasurer for another year).
  1. Financial Reports – Tom Hesselbrock stated that there are few changes from last month except for net income (now in the minus) with anticipated expenses. If someone not on the board wants more info, they can contact Tom H.
  1. Committees – John Leness (President) passed around a sheet with proposed committee members. He went over the possible committee assignments and asked board members to get back to him when they decide where they’d like to volunteer. Susan Jostrom (Vice-President and outgoing chair, Community Building and Events) emphasized the importance of identifying those who would like to take the lead on the next tour (2019).
  1. Cottage – Erik Johnson is not present; discussion postponed.  The thought is to get a work party together to finish the exterior sometime this summer.
  1. Upcoming Issues
    1. Aurora Bridge and other Environmental Issues: Dave Chappelle (chair, Environmental Committee) thinks this will probably be a multi-year issue. Also the sewage outfall, e.g., from West Point, may also be something that we decide we want to invest more time in.
    2. 520 Construction: The City (?) denied the sound variance. Courtney Cooper passed around a recent decision. John suggested getting a copy to Sarah Morlidge (chair, Communications Committee) to put it on the website.
    3. Reconnecting Electrical: Peter Erickson (member, Legislative Committee) mentioned that a neighbor has approached him with a reconnect issue. SCL now requires each house on a dock has to have a meter attached. John and Peter have met with SCL to let them know that it was not going to work, conceding that the electrical on many docks needs to be upgraded.  SCL realizes that financing would be a hurdle so that the upgrade can become affordable for docks.  Goal is to have each dock to make the transition within five years.
    4. DNR leases: John reported that discussions are on-going. Tara Wilson only has responsibility for Lake Union now; separate person for Portage Bay and Lake Washington.  Discussion with DNR to be continued.
    5. University Dock: Susan Susor (member, Community Building and Events) reported that their dock met with the university just this week, which they do each year because it’s annual. The lease with the UW will be up in seven years. Susan also mentioned that until construction begins on Portage Bay Park, the City plans to use the old police station as a men’s homeless shelter (80-100 men). Probably missed the time on starting the park this year; Joe will look into timeline.
    6. Left hand turn: Margaret Chon (Secretary) raised the issue of the left turn northbound on Eastlake before the University Bridge. No information on whether it’s slated for elimination as part of the Roosevelt high speed transit corridor plan.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:07 p.m. Next meeting on June 7 at Tom Hesselbrock’s.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 7:00 m 

approved at May 2017 board meeting

Location: Bill Albert’s

Attendees: Bill Albert, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Mike Dellario, Tom Hesselbrock, Peter Erickson, Erik Johnson, Sue Jostrom, Libby Kutcipal, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor

Excused: Joyce Black, Joe Inslee, Jann McFarland

Guests: Tom Campbell (Portage Bay Willow Cove Dock), Janet Williams (2466 Westlake aka Sleepless Dock), Elliott Wolf (Flo Villa)

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:10 p.m.

Introduction of Potential New Board Members: Board members went around the room to introduce themselves.  Introduction of three potential new board members.

Approval of the March minutes and abridged March minutes: (m/s/p) the full and abridged versions were approved.

Financial Reports: Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) presented the finances and noted that for this time of year, we are in very good shape.

Safety and Security: Bill Albert (chair, Safety and Security) reported that the Wallingford Community Center wants to have a place to hand launch boats; this will impact the holding tank for Harbor Patrol greatly.  The holding tank holds debris picked up from the lake.  After discussion, the board’s consensus is to keep an eye on the situation as it develops.

Aurora Bridge: Dave Chappelle (chair, Environmental) mentioned that they are cleaning up Phase I and are planning for Phase II.  Dave has contacted SoundKeepers and the City, and had a good discussion with both groups. Dave’s thought for the annual meeting is that SoundKeepers would announce the dates for the sweeps, talk about the Aurora Bridge, take questions and answers, and do a tabling event.  The board agreed.


Legislative: John Leness (President and chair, Legislative) reported that had and Amalia Walton (former President and current FHA lawyer/lobbyist) met with the DNR a couple of weeks ago to go over the leases on a line by line basis—a flip-through. DNR is in a complicated situation in that they tried to revise their lease form a few years ago and the effort just died. Ride the Ducks: John and others reported that a big barge came and left; it removed one of the two pilings; someone apparently realized that they need the other piling to tie the barge too. They also removed the log raft coming out from Terry Pettus area. The construction window closes on April 15, so they won’t be able to do any more work until October. John summarized the history of the litigation and settlement: no queuing on Fairview; if queue, have to queue on their property, not on the ramp; their route has to be toward downtown; have to relocate speakers down low; and keep sound at a certain volume.

Discussion of the Annual Meeting on April 19

Other Committees:

  • Houseboatique: Blair showed the water proof pocket with an adjustable strap that you can put around your neck and through which you can operate your phone. One free to each household member attending the meeting. Bill showed a reflective address plate that he got for his dock from Fast Signs.  This is for purposes of easier location by Harbor Patrol in case of emergency. 
  • Community Building and Events: With Sue Jostrom stepping off to be VP, a new chair is needed to step in as chair of this committee. Sue summarized past events and activities: we have done monthly music jam; supported Seattle Night Out; Docktoberfest; the Tour (biennial). She thinks the door is so wide open as to what kinds of things could be started and done.  

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:25 p.m.

Next meeting on May 3 at Dave’s Chappelle’s. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 7:00 pm

Approved at the April Board Meeting

Location: Susan Susor’s

Attendees: Bill Albert, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Mike Dellario, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Peter Erickson, Sue Jostrom, Libby Kutcipal, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor

Excused: Joyce Black, Peter Erickson, Jann McFarland Guests: Tom Susor

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:10 p.m.

1.     Financial Reports:

Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) reported that finances are in good shape overall.

2.     Discussion of the Annual Meeting:

a.     The board discussed details of the upcoming FHA members’ meeting on April 19 and made suggestions for format this year.

b.    The board also discussed that Libby Kutcipal (Vice-President) and Joyce Black are leaving the board. Courtney Cooper and Ranaan Schnitzer are willing to join. The history of board membership was reviewed, including the board’s geographical diversity policy adopted last year. Dave Chappelle mentioned Janet Williams from Westlake, who indicated her willingness to be a new board member.

c.     Sue Jostrom agreed to stand for Vice President.

3.     Approval of the February minutes and abridged January and February minutes: (m/s/p)

4.     Committees

a.     Legislative: John Leness (President and chair of the Legislative committee) reported on the meeting with the DNR regarding lease revisions. The last attempted revision is in 2005; this was not successful.  The tone of the meeting was cooperative; it included Derek Toba (DNR rep) and Amalia Walton (our lawyer and lobbyist)

Charging Station: John Leness met with the concerned parties and will draft an agreement that reflects their discussion. The charging spot will be technically on city property but will be private.  The FHA member who installed the station is willing to share it with others if they split the cost.

b.    Houseboatique: The board authorized Blair Robbins (chair, Houseboatique) to order a water proof pocket with a neck band to give away at the annual meeting.

5.     Other Issues:

a.     Membership: The board revisited the discussion of encouraging docks to enroll with a dock membership.  Sarah Morlidge (chair, Communications committee) also reviewed the status of our new on-line membership system.

b.    Red Robin: A short update was provided by Maggie Chon (secretary) and Bill Albert (chair, Safety and Security committee) on the successful resolution and settlement of the dispute with the developers after a two-year effort.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 p.m.

Next meeting on April 5, 2017.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Chon, Secretary

Wednesday, February 1, 2017, 7:00pm

APPROVED at the March 2017 board meeting

Location: Blair Robbins’s home

Attendees: Bill Albert, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Mike Dellario, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Libby Kutcipal, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor

Excused: Joyce Black, Peter Erickson, Erik Johnson, Sue Jostrom, John Leness, Jann McFarland, Sarah Morlidge, Susan Susor

Guests: Courtney Cooper (possible board member, Shelby Dock)

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:10 p.m. In the absence of president John Leness, Libby Kutcipal (Vice President) chaired the meeting.

Libby introduced Courtney Cooper as a potential new board member from the Shelby Dock on Portage Bay.

1. Approval of the January minutes: (m/s/p) the full version was approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report

Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) passed out the 2016 Final Financial Report. Attached to the 2016 final report was the final tour report; this was reported as income in the new year. Tom then distributed the first financial summary for 2017 for review and discussion by the board.

3. Legislative committee: John and Peter Erickson are both out of town, so Libby conducted this discussion.

a. Seattle City Light (SCL) Discussion: John and Peter seemed to have had a successful meeting with SCL.

b. Meeting with the DNR about leases: John sent around a possible date, which is either the evening of February 22 or during the day on the 23rd.

4. Other Committees:

a) Environmental: Dave Chappelle (chair, Environmental) plans to invite Puget Soundkeepers to the FHA annual meeting. Joe Inslee (member, Environmental) suggested that we work with them to have a specific sweep for the floating homes.

b) Houseboatique: For the annual meeting, Blair Robbins (chair, Houseboatique) will have a Houseboatique table.

c) Safety and Security: Bill Albert (chair, Safety and Security) will invite Harbor Patrol to the annual meeting.

d) Events: The date of the annual meeting is Wednesday, April 19. Sue Jostrom (chair, Community Building and Events) would appreciate some ideas about the meeting.

e) Board Development and Operations: Courtney and Ranaan (who came to the last meeting) are new board members whose names will be put forward before the annual meeting. Libby’s term will end and so the board will need to identify a VP.

5. Membership: Jann McFarland (FHA office manager) sent Libby a summary re: group (dock) memberships. The board thought that the summary circulated was a good start to addressing this issue, but wanted both Jann and Sarah to be at a meeting to develop a concrete plan.

6. Red Robin: Maggie Chon (Secretary) reported that the neighbors filed a notice of appeal, and the developer contacted them shortly thereafter. Settlement discussions are proceeding.

7. Electrical car charge update: No resolution was reached on this issue. Board decided to ask John to contact involved parties to discuss.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 p.m.

Next meeting on March 1, 2017 at Susan Susor’s (1409 Boat St. # 5).

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Chon, Secretary

Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 7:00pm

FINAL and APPROVED at March 2017 board meeting

Location: Mike Dellario’s (2207 Fairview Ave E #3)

Attendees: Bill Albert, Dave Chappelle, Sue Jostrom, Mike Dellario, Peter Erickson, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Erik Johnson, Libby Kutcipal, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor
Excused: Joyce Black, Maggie Chon, Jann McFarland,
Guests: Ranaan Schnitzer and Amalia Walton, as noted
Meeting called to order at approximately 7:16 p.m.
John Leness (President) was acting secretary as Maggie Chon (Secretary) was out of town. Libby Kutcipal (Vice President) introduced Ranaan Schnitzer as a potential new board member from Joyce Black’s dock on Portage Bay.
1. Approval of the December minutes: (m/s/p) both the full and abridged versions were approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report

Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer) reviewed the financials, reporting that we were on track against budget for the beginning of the year.

3. Legislative committee:

a. Power cutoff: Peter Erickson (member, Legislative Committee) reminded the board of the concern about City Light’s new policy regarding power reconnections. He reported that he and John were waiting for a meeting with City Light to discuss this issue.

b. DNR: John Leness asked those board members who were interested in participating in the meeting with DNR to discuss their new lease form to let him know. He reported DNR’s proposed meeting dates.

4. Other Committees:

a) Board Development and Operations: Libby reported that Courtney Cooper had expressed her interest in joining the board. All agreed that she should be invited to the February meeting.

b) Events: Sue Jostrom (chair, Community Building and Events) reported proposed dates in April for the Annual Meeting.

5. Other Issues:

a) Filming. Blair Robbins (chair, Houseboatique) described her work assisting a Korean film crew working on her dock.

b) Electric Boats. Mike Dellario (member, Communications) raised the possibility of organizing the many electric boats owned by floating home owners, forming a club, and entering them in the Opening Day boat parade, as a way of publicizing the FHA. He circulated several sample burgee designs. The board asked that all who were interested contact Mike.

c) Meeting with Hilary Franz: Amalia Walton then joined the meeting. She reported that she had met with Hilary Franz, the newly elected head of DNR, to discuss issues relevant to FHA members. At the conclusion of her report, Amalia left the meeting.

d) Membership: Sarah Morlidge (chair, Communications) distributed a spreadsheet showing current membership, and asked the board to help her gather missing information.

e) John then reported on the status of the private EV charging station at the cottage.

f) Sue then reported that Seattle Public Utilities had been extremely responsive regarding the used car dealership as it was washing cars.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 p.m.
Next meeting on February 1, 2017 at Blair’s

Respectfully submitted,

John Leness, Acting Secretary

Wednesday, December 7, 2016 7:00pm

Final and Approved at January 2017 board meeting

Location: Dave Chappelle’s (2466 Westlake Ave. N # 4)

Attendees: Bill Albert, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Mike Dellario, Peter Erickson, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Erik Johnson, Libby Kutcipal, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor

Excused: Joyce Black, Sue Jostrom, Jann McFarland. Guests: none

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:15 p.m.

1. Approval of the November minutes: (m/s/p) with changes suggested by Tom and Maggie. Approval of abridged minutes for October and November

2. Treasurer’s Report: Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer and Finance Committee member) announced that he received a letter from our lawyer Peter Eglick, raising his rate as of January 2017, after many years at the same rate. The board agreed that the increased rate is still reasonable. Tom also discussed the Annual Financial Report as of the end of November. Tom raised the question of whether we should recruit someone to do dock membership for next year.

For our next meeting, it was suggested that we could have a map print-out to see which docks are currently members. The board also agreed that we should we discuss then the question of designating a person to make a membership push. Billings should be going out in December/January, and many docks have their annual dock meetings during this period as well.

Tom then distributed the 2017 Budget Worksheet, as a recommendation from the Finance Committee to the board.

Approval of the 2107 Budget: m/s/p.

3. Houseboatique: Blair Robbins (Chair, Houseboatique) reported that the holiday sale went well this year – we made about $1200 after expenses. Judy Sarafin (former FHA board member) stepped in for the whole day, and the office was a warm and welcoming space thanks to Erik’s renovations.

4. Legislative committee:

a. DNR: John Leness (President and chair, Legislative Committee) received a letter from DNR re: a new standard lease form. DNR usually gives FHA owners a chance to review the standard form for leases on the lake. January to-do: Might be good to have a small group of non-board members to review this.

b. City Light has a new policy. Peter Erickson (member, Legislative Committee) reported that if anyone needs to disconnect power for any reason, then in order to get reconnected, one must pour concrete on the shore, and run a rigid conduit under the dock to your house. The board greed that the FHA should negotiate with City Light.

c. NOVs: Our lobbyist Amalia Walton (past FHA president) has been talking to DCI about a potential Director’s Ruling on repairs. This year, we didn’t have a rash of NOVs.

5. Safety and Security:

a) Water quality. Bill Albert (chair, Safety and Security) learned inadvertently at a Harbor Patrol meeting that the contents of the homeless encampments latrines are going directly into the water. He also learned that the Harbor Patrol debris

pen may be replaced by a community boat launch area. The board generally agreed to keep monitoring this issue.

6. Environmental

Dave Chappelle (chair, Environmental Committee) reported that the Soundkeepers just settled a lawsuit with the City of Tacoma; Tacoma will have an industrial waste treatment area. They sued under the Clean Water Act and as part of the settlement, they received $70K to be used as they see fit for other conservation issues.

Dave also reported that Soundkeepers has a weekly sweep of Lake Union every Friday; NWOC volunteers kayaks. Average about 5 pounds each kayak. At the end of the year, will have pulled 20K pounds out of the lake.

7. Communication:

The board had a lively discussion about specific communications tools and linking strategy to a membership drive, including sending a postcard to new houseboat owners. Ideas suggested included a blog spot on the website; a hashtag for people to post photos to the Instagram account. The board discussion revolved about what (from a social media perspective) would be attractive to our newer members.

Sarah requested that we have an on-line membership form and an on-line way to pay for the membership. m/s/p

She would also like to have a space on the website to join our mailing list form on the website.

8. Other Committee Reports:

Tom made a pitch for board recruitment for 2017; terms for 2 current members will end.

Tom also mentioned that the electric docking station is installed; John agreed to talk to this neighbor. Erik mentioned that a couple of people have looked at the tree near the FHA Office, and it is falling into the lake. The board agreed that we would call the City Arborist to take a look at it.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:05 p.m.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 7:00 pm

FINAL AND APPROVED at November 2 board meeting

Location: John Leness’s

Attendees: Joyce Black, Dave Chappelle, Maggie Chon, Mike Dellario, Peter Erickson, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Erik Johnson, Sue Jostrom, Libby Kutcipal, John Leness, Blair Robbins, Susan Susor

Excused: Bill Albert, Sue Jostrom, Jann McFarland, Sarah Morlidge

Guests: None

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:15 p.m.

1. Approval of the September minutes: (m/s/p) with changes

2. Treasurer’s Report: Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer and member of the Finance Committee) circulated the Annual Financial Report and Tour Statement. Because of the successful tour, we are going to make $41,700 over against a budget of $21,500. This is much more than 2014, even before we collect the final $5000 in sponsors. Tom also circulated a proposed 2017 budget, and explained his proposed changes for next year. The final draft will be presented for board approval at the December meeting.

3. Legislative:

a. John Leness (President and chair of the Legislative Committee) stated Amalia Walton (our board designated lobbyist) has forwarded our proposed repair language to DCI but has not heard from them yet.

b. On the raft issue, Ann Preznya from Fairview has requested a meeting with the Mayor, and asked us to attend.

4. Environmental:

a. Cycle Track: Dave Chappelle (chair of the Environmental committee) mentioned the issue of black tacks sprinkled across the track. The track is busy even though it’s new. Dave thinks it is working well and is being received well along the corridor. Dave had a chance to go to the opening, and thanked the city for allowing us to be at the table. The opening was attended by the Mayor, Mike McGuinn and Scott Kubly.

b. Puget Soundkeepers Annual Auction: This year, the auction is on Saturday, October 22 at 5:30. We agreed to sponsor a table as in past years.

5. Community Outreach: Docktoberfest cards have been put at the heads of each dock except north of Portage Bay.

6. Communication:

a. Budget: Mike Dellario (member, Communications Committee) reported that the budget is half of what it was last year. Sarah Morlidge (chair, Communications, Committee) prepared a budget and gave it to the finance committee and said that it was all she needed.

b. Emergency Alerts: Joe Inslee (member, Communications committee) is working on emergency alerts with Sarah.

c. Board Meeting Minutes: Maggie Chon (Secretary) takes minutes, which are detailed notes, for the board; has them approved by the board. The board agreed that abridged minutes will be posted on the FHA website after board approval.

7. Houseboatique: Blair Robbins (chair, Houseboatique) reported that we made $1000 at the tour, including from some of our “classic” stuff (the cookbooks and sweatshirts). The holiday sale will be the week after Thanksgiving week: Sunday, December 4th.

8. FHA Office: Erik Johnson has been renovating the interior of the Bill Keasler Cottage on Fairview. The 2017 budget will include the deck repair.

9. Other Committee Reports: No other formal reports delivered.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m.

Next meeting at the FHA Office (tentative; 2329 Fairview Ave. E.); if not ready by Tuesday, then at Sue Jostrom’s

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Chon, Secretary

Wednesday, September 7, 2016, 7:00 pm

FINAL AND APPROVED at the October 2016 board meeting

Location: Libby Kutcipal’s

Attendees: Bill Albert, Maggie Chon, Peter Erickson, Tom Hesselbrock, Joe Inslee, Sue Jostrom, Libby Kutcipal, John Leness, Sarah Morlidge, Blair Robbins

Excused: Joyce Black, Dave Chappelle, Erik Johnson, Jann McFarland, Susan Susor

Guests: Delilah, Loba (Libby’s dogs!)

Meeting called to order at approximately 7:12 p.m.

1. Approval of the July minutes

2. Tour: Sue Jostrom (chair, Community Building and Events Committee and tour director) reported that the tour sold out a couple of days after the Pacific Northwest magazine article came out. She also mentioned an October 28 event: the fourth annual Docktoberfest (6:30-9 p.m. at the CWB).

3. Treasurer’s Report: Tom Hesselbrock (FHA Treasurer and member of the Finance Committee) passed around the balance sheet as of 8/31/16.

4. Legislative: John Leness (President and chair of the Legislative Committee) stated that Amalia Walton (past president of the FHA and now an attorney with Miller, Nash, Graham & Dunn) is helping us to negotiate with DCI with regard to proposed language as to what repairs would require permits and what would not.

5. Seattle Met Magazine: We received a ping about someone who has done some renovation recently and would like an article on it. Blair Robbins (chair of Houseboatique) volunteered.

6. Tenas Chuck electrical charging station: Some folks approached the FHA; they would like to install an electrical charging station behind the FHA office in exchange for paying our electrical bills. The board agreed that if they paid for the electricity, they could install the station. The charging station should not be connected to our FHA office.

7. Grand Opening for the Cycle Track: Dave Chappelle (chair of the Environmental Committee) mentioned that the opening is on September 15th. The board agreed to send a representative.

8. Communications Strategy Budget: Sarah Morlidge (chair of the communications committee) will put something together for us to discuss at the next meeting.

9. Other Committee Reports:

a. Safety and Security: Police and fire department discussion about one station is no longer on the table.

b. Budget: Tom Hesselbrock (Treasurer and member of the budget and finance committee) stated that it’s budget time for next year. At the next board meeting, Tom will hand out budget reports to discuss. Our November meeting will be a discussion of any changes. In December’s meeting, the board will approve it.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m.

Next meeting at Libby Kutcipal’s

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Chon, Secretary