Seattle Prepares  run emergency prep classes (you can find out when they are scheduled on their website). Ann Forrest ( has very kindly said we can share the handouts from a recent course we attended. It’s not as good as attending the actual classes, but there is a wealth of information in the handouts and slides below. Your each slide presentation you will need to click the arrow to go to the next slide. You can also sign up for their newsletter here to find out when the next course is.

Class 1 Handout

Class 2 Handout

Class 3 Handout

Class 4 Handout

Class 4 Slides

Class 5 Handout

Class 5 Slides

Class 6 Handout

Class 6 Slides

Class 7 Handout

Class 7 Slides

Find out more about the City of Seattle’s SNAP (Seattle Neighborhood’s Actively Prepare) initiative here.